GpStructuredStorage file  =7  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~sqli.vtd/ sqliForm.vtdMsqliFormName.vtd. sqliStep.vtd sqliStepFile.vtd68sqliStepStr.vtd7KsqliStepStrEvent.vtd8 sqliVar.vtd9 sqliVer.vtd:sqliReports.vtd;sqliTranslation.vtd<racKeyacNamed acIsDebugacType acVarInINI acAutoStart acAutoClose acEndMessageacLocalization2acFormNameAuthoracActive anVersion acLogType acInstCoded anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acIsLocalizedacRunOnInstall acRunOnUpdate acRunOnDelete anOldVersion acCryptPassacCompiledScriptacNote acAresLite acUseCompiled acAutoCompile4000029Prenos prispevkov med podjetjiFAFFFTRT06BSBFFFFFFF acKey acFormName2 acDocType acObjectName2acType acKeyShortCut2acTabSheetName2 anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acFormType4000029SifSubjDdQB4WB1 acFormName2acName2 acKeyanNoacViewacSetOfacDescracReportacFileCreateTableanFileDelimiter acFileNameacFileTableName acFileDest acFileType acFileTypeXML acShowIfEmptyacTitleButtons anTitleLinesanBeginFromRecord anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acCharSet2 acStyleSheet acUnitNamed acNewThreadacDFMacPAS acSQLExport2acSQLExpacNoteacPCU acCompiled 4000029GPFAENFd5BtB windows-1250Prenos partnerja med podjetjiFProgram AresScript; uses sysutils, classes, forms, FForm20, dialogs, dlGLcommon; procedure MyExecuteUnit(id: integer); begin (*ares.nextstep := -1; case id of 20: begin Form20 := tForm20.create(ares); if Form20.FormStyle = fsnormal then Form20.visible := true; end; 500: ares.terminate; else ares.executeStep(id); end; if ares.GetSetOf(id) IN ['I','D','R'] then MyExecuteUnit(ares.nextstep); *) end; procedure MyFullExecuteUnit(AJumpTo: string); var AacKey: string; AanNo: integer; begin RepairAcKeyAndAnNo(AJumpTo, AacKey, AanNo); if AanNo > 0 then MyExecuteUnit(Aanno); end; begin If TestAvtor('SIFPARTSUBJOBCINA', False, 'D', 0, True) then begin Form20 := tForm20.create(ares); if Form20.FormStyle = fsnormal then Form20.visible := true; end; end. 4000029GMFAENFFkBSB windows-12501F CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[pHR_MoveSubjContr] @cSourceMunicip Char(30), @cPeriod Char(7), @cType Char(1) as set nocount on declare @sql varchar(8000), @cMunicipDest char(30), @cCodeMy varchar(20), @cPeriodDest char(7) declare @DatabaseName sysname Select @cCodeMy = RTrim(S.acCode) from tpa_sysparam P join the_setsubj S on S.acSubject = P.acOurCompany declare cDatabases cursor local read_only static forward_only for select DBName, acMunicipDest, acPeriodDest from #lHR_Moveprsndatabase Where acMarked = 'T' open cDatabases fetch cDatabases into @DatabaseName, @cMunicipDest, @cPeriodDest while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin If Coalesce(@cMunicipDest, '') <> '' begin If Coalesce(@cPeriodDest, ' ')= ' ' Set @cPeriodDest = @cPeriod If @cType= '0' begin set @sql = 'Delete from [' + @DatabaseName + ']..tHR_SetSlryMunicipContr '+ ' Where acMunicipality = '''+@cMunicipDest+''' and acPeriod = '''+ @cPeriodDest +''' ' EXEC(@sql) end If DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@DatabaseName, 'Collation') = DATABASEPROPERTYEX( db_name(), 'Collation') begin set @sql = 'INSERT INTO [' + @DatabaseName + ']..tHR_SetSlryMunicipContr(acMunicipality,acContribution,acBnkAcct1,acBnkAcct2,'+ ' acBnkAcct3,anValue,acPeriod,acBudgetOrganization) '+ ' Select '''+@cMunicipDest+''' as acMunicipality,C.acContribution,C.acBnkAcct1,C.acBnkAcct2, '+ ' REPLACE(REPLACE(C.acBnkAcct3, '''+@cCodeMy+''', RTrim(S.acCode)), ''D'', RTrim(S.acCode)) as acBnkAcct3, '+ ' C.anValue, '''+@cPeriodDest+''' acPeriod,C.acBudgetOrganization '+ ' from tHR_SetSlryMunicipContr C '+ ' cross join [' + @DatabaseName + ']..tpa_sysparam P '+ ' join [' + @DatabaseName + ']..the_setSubj S on S.acSubject = P.acOurCompany '+ ' Where C.acMunicipality = '''+@cSourceMunicip+''' and C.acPeriod = '''+ @cPeriod +''' '+ ' and not exists (Select * from [' + @DatabaseName + ']..tHR_SetSlryMunicipContr CQ '+ ' Where CQ.acMunicipality = '''+@cMunicipDest+''' and CQ.acPeriod = '''+ @cPeriodDest +''' '+ ' and C.acContribution = CQ.acContribution ) '+ ' and exists(Select * from [' + @DatabaseName + ']..thr_setSlryContr CQ Where CQ.acContribution = C.acContribution) ' print @sql EXEC(@sql) end end fetch cDatabases into @DatabaseName, @cMunicipDest, @cPeriodDest end close cDatabases deallocate cDatabases 4000029GMFAENFQ BB windows-12502FCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[pHR_FillMunicip] @cErroeMessage nvarchar(2048) output as set nocount on declare @sql varchar(8000) declare @DatabaseName sysname declare cDatabases cursor local read_only static forward_only for select DBName from #lHR_Moveprsndatabase open cDatabases fetch cDatabases into @DatabaseName while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin If DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@DatabaseName, 'Collation') = DATABASEPROPERTYEX( db_name(), 'Collation') begin set @sql = 'INSERT INTO #lHR_DatabasesMunicip(dbName, acSubjectMunicip, acName2) '+ ' Select ''' + @DatabaseName + ''', S.acSubject, S.acName2 from [' + @DatabaseName + ']..the_setSubj S '+ ' Where S.acMunicipality = ''T'' ; '; set @sql = @sql+ ' Update #lHR_Moveprsndatabase Set acMunicipDest = '+ ' (Select acHQMunicipality from [' + @DatabaseName + ']..thr_param C) '+ ' Where dbName = ''' + @DatabaseName + ''' '; BEGIN TRY EXEC(@sql) END TRY BEGIN CATCH Set @cErroeMessage = @DatabaseName + ' '+ ERROR_MESSAGE(); END CATCH end fetch cDatabases into @DatabaseName end close cDatabases deallocate cDatabases 4000029GMFAENFw/BB windows-12503FIf not exists(select * from tpa_systablestr Where acTableName='lHR_Moveprsndatabase' and acFieldName='acPeriodDest' ) begin delete from tPA_SysTables where acTablename = 'lHR_Moveprsndatabase'; delete from tPA_SysTableStr where acTablename = 'lHR_Moveprsndatabase'; delete from tPA_SysIndex where acTablename = 'lHR_Moveprsndatabase'; insert into tPA_SysTables (acTableName, acName, acTableType, acTableContent) values ('lHR_Moveprsndatabase', 'lHR_Moveprsndatabase', 'T', ''); insert into tPA_SysTableStr (acTableName, anSeqNo, acFieldName, acDataType, anSize, anDec, acDefaultValue, acORADataType, anORASize, anORADec, acORADefaultValue, acRequired, anRefID, anRefNo, acRefCascadeUpdate, acRefCascadeDelete, acRefTable, acRefField, acFieldIdentity, anFieldIdentitySeed, anFieldIdentityInc, acCheckValue, acORACheckValue) values ('lHR_Moveprsndatabase', 1, 'dbName', 'varchar', 255, 0, NULL, 'varchar2', 255, 0, NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); insert into tPA_SysTableStr (acTableName, anSeqNo, acFieldName, acDataType, anSize, anDec, acDefaultValue, acORADataType, anORASize, anORADec, acORADefaultValue, acRequired, anRefID, anRefNo, acRefCascadeUpdate, acRefCascadeDelete, acRefTable, acRefField, acFieldIdentity, anFieldIdentitySeed, anFieldIdentityInc, acCheckValue, acORACheckValue) values ('lHR_Moveprsndatabase', 2, 'acCompany', 'varchar', 30, 0, NULL, 'varchar2', 30, 0, NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); insert into tPA_SysTableStr (acTableName, anSeqNo, acFieldName, acDataType, anSize, anDec, acDefaultValue, acORADataType, anORASize, anORADec, acORADefaultValue, acRequired, anRefID, anRefNo, acRefCascadeUpdate, acRefCascadeDelete, acRefTable, acRefField, acFieldIdentity, anFieldIdentitySeed, anFieldIdentityInc, acCheckValue, acORACheckValue) values ('lHR_Moveprsndatabase', 3, 'anBuildno', 'integer', 0, 0, NULL, 'number', 10, 0, NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); insert into tPA_SysTableStr (acTableName, anSeqNo, acFieldName, acDataType, anSize, anDec, acDefaultValue, acORADataType, anORASize, anORADec, acORADefaultValue, acRequired, anRefID, anRefNo, acRefCascadeUpdate, acRefCascadeDelete, acRefTable, acRefField, acFieldIdentity, anFieldIdentitySeed, anFieldIdentityInc, acCheckValue, acORACheckValue) values ('lHR_Moveprsndatabase', 4, 'acGroup', 'varchar', 30, 0, NULL, 'varchar2', 30, 0, NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); insert into tPA_SysTableStr (acTableName, anSeqNo, acFieldName, acDataType, anSize, anDec, acDefaultValue, acORADataType, anORASize, anORADec, acORADefaultValue, acRequired, anRefID, anRefNo, acRefCascadeUpdate, acRefCascadeDelete, acRefTable, acRefField, acFieldIdentity, anFieldIdentitySeed, anFieldIdentityInc, acCheckValue, acORACheckValue) values ('lHR_Moveprsndatabase', 5, 'acMarked', 'varchar', 1, 0, NULL, 'varchar2', 1, 0, NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); insert into tPA_SysTableStr (acTableName, anSeqNo, acFieldName, acDataType, anSize, anDec, acDefaultValue, acORADataType, anORASize, anORADec, acORADefaultValue, acRequired, anRefID, anRefNo, acRefCascadeUpdate, acRefCascadeDelete, acRefTable, acRefField, acFieldIdentity, anFieldIdentitySeed, anFieldIdentityInc, acCheckValue, acORACheckValue) values ('lHR_Moveprsndatabase', 6, 'acMunicipDest', 'char', 30, 0, NULL, 'VARCHAR2', 30, 0, NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); insert into tPA_SysTableStr (acTableName, anSeqNo, acFieldName, acDataType, anSize, anDec, acDefaultValue, acORADataType, anORASize, anORADec, acORADefaultValue, acRequired, anRefID, anRefNo, acRefCascadeUpdate, acRefCascadeDelete, acRefTable, acRefField, acFieldIdentity, anFieldIdentitySeed, anFieldIdentityInc, acCheckValue, acORACheckValue) values ('lHR_Moveprsndatabase', 7, 'acPeriodDest', 'char', 7, 0, NULL, 'VARCHAR2', 7, 0, NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); end 4000029GMFAENFe$BB windows-12504F=If not exists(select * from tpa_systablestr Where acTableName='lHR_DatabasesMunicip' and acFieldName='acSubjectMunicip' ) begin delete from tPA_SysTables where acTablename = 'lHR_DatabasesMunicip'; delete from tPA_SysTableStr where acTablename = 'lHR_DatabasesMunicip'; delete from tPA_SysIndex where acTablename = 'lHR_DatabasesMunicip'; insert into tPA_SysTables (acTableName, acName, acTableType, acTableContent) values ('lHR_DatabasesMunicip', 'lHR_DatabasesMunicip', 'T', ''); insert into tPA_SysTableStr (acTableName, anSeqNo, acFieldName, acDataType, anSize, anDec, acDefaultValue, acORADataType, anORASize, anORADec, acORADefaultValue, acRequired, anRefID, anRefNo, acRefCascadeUpdate, acRefCascadeDelete, acRefTable, acRefField, acFieldIdentity, anFieldIdentitySeed, anFieldIdentityInc, acCheckValue, acORACheckValue) values ('lHR_DatabasesMunicip', 1, 'dbName', 'varchar', 256, 0, NULL, 'VARCHAR2', 256, 0, NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); insert into tPA_SysTableStr (acTableName, anSeqNo, acFieldName, acDataType, anSize, anDec, acDefaultValue, acORADataType, anORASize, anORADec, acORADefaultValue, acRequired, anRefID, anRefNo, acRefCascadeUpdate, acRefCascadeDelete, acRefTable, acRefField, acFieldIdentity, anFieldIdentitySeed, anFieldIdentityInc, acCheckValue, acORACheckValue) values ('lHR_DatabasesMunicip', 3, 'acSubjectMunicip', 'char', 30, 0, NULL, 'VARCHAR2', 30, 0, NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); insert into tPA_SysTableStr (acTableName, anSeqNo, acFieldName, acDataType, anSize, anDec, acDefaultValue, acORADataType, anORASize, anORADec, acORADefaultValue, acRequired, anRefID, anRefNo, acRefCascadeUpdate, acRefCascadeDelete, acRefTable, acRefField, acFieldIdentity, anFieldIdentitySeed, anFieldIdentityInc, acCheckValue, acORACheckValue) values ('lHR_DatabasesMunicip', 4, 'acName2', 'varchar', 255, 0, NULL, 'VARCHAR2', 255, 0, NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); end; 4000029GMFAENFBB windows-12505FcIf OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[pHR_MoveSubjContr]') is not null Drop procedure [dbo].[pHR_MoveSubjContr] 4000029GMFAENF!BB windows-12506FCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[pHR_FillDatabases] as set nocount on declare @cServerName VarChar(255), @cHostName VarChar(255), @cDataBase VarChar(255) exec pPA_GetDatabases insert into #lHR_MovePrsnDatabase (DbName, acCompany, anBuildNo, acGroup) select acDBName as DbName, acCompany, anBuildNo, acGroup from tPA_SysDatabases where anBuildNo is not null and DATABASEPROPERTYEX(acDBName, 'Status') = 'ONLINE' and has_dbaccess(acDBName) = 1 order by acGroup, acCompany, acDBName exec pPA_GetCurrentDatabase @cServerName output, @cHostName output, @cDataBase output delete from #lHR_MovePrsnDatabase where DbName = @cDataBase update #lHR_MovePrsnDatabase set acMarked = 'F' set nocount off 4000029GMFAENFP[Bb9B windows-12507FcIf OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[pHR_FillDatabases]') is not null Drop procedure [dbo].[pHR_FillDatabases] 4000029GFTEAENFBB windows-1250FForm20F)object Form20: TForm Tag = 99 Left = 542 Top = 385 ActiveControl = dlcxPanel1 Caption = 'Prenos prispevkov med podjetji' ClientHeight = 361 ClientWidth = 718 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Position = poDesigned Scaled = False PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object dlcxPanel1: TdlcxPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 718 Height = 361 Align = alClient TabOrder = 0 ExplicitWidth = 733 ExplicitHeight = 312 DesignSize = ( 718 361) object dlcxPanel3: TdlcxPanel Left = 21 Top = 41 Width = 181 Height = 97 Borders = [bLeft, bTop, bRight, bBottom] Border3D = True TabOrder = 3 Transparent = True HeaderVisible = True HeaderCaption = 'Na'#269'in prenosa' HeaderHeight = 22 HeaderFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET HeaderFont.Color = clWindowText HeaderFont.Height = -11 HeaderFont.Name = 'Tahoma' HeaderFont.Style = [fsBold] HeaderPanelType = ptMain object fNacPrenos: TdlcxRadioGroup Left = 2 Top = 22 Align = alClient Properties.ImmediatePost = True Properties.Items = < item Caption = 'Prekrivanje vne'#353'enih' end item Caption = 'Dodajanje' end> ItemIndex = 0 Style.BorderStyle = ebsNone TabOrder = 0 Transparent = True ComponentSize = csSmall Templatable = False Height = 73 Width = 177 end end object TdlButton2: TdlcxButton Left = 533 Top = 8 Width = 80 Height = 22 Caption = '&Prenos' TabOrder = 0 end object TdlButton3: TdlcxButton Left = 621 Top = 8 Width = 80 Height = 22 Caption = '&Konec' TabOrder = 1 end object lbMsg1: TdlcxLabel Left = 33 Top = 214 Caption = 'Prenos zaklju'#269'en!' Visible = False end object fObd: TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Left = 375 Top = 10 AutoSize = False Properties.DropDownAutoSize = True Properties.DropDownListStyle = lsEditList Properties.IncrementalFiltering = False Properties.KeyFieldNames = 'acPeriod' Properties.ListColumns = < item Caption = 'Obdobje' FieldName = 'acPeriod' end> Properties.ListOptions.SyncMode = True Properties.ListSource = dsPeriods Properties.ReadOnly = False Style.BorderStyle = ebsFlat Style.Color = 15065304 Style.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat Style.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False Style.Shadow = False Style.ButtonStyle = btsSimple Style.ButtonTransparency = ebtAlways Style.PopupBorderStyle = epbsDefault StyleDisabled.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleDisabled.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False StyleFocused.Color = 14347503 StyleFocused.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleFocused.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False StyleHot.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleHot.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False TabOrder = 4 LabelPosition = lpoLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True EditLabel.Left = 331 EditLabel.Top = 13 EditLabel.Width = 41 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.Caption = 'Obdobje' EditLabel.FocusControl = fObd EditLabel.Transparent = True ComponentSize = csSmall Templatable = False Caption = 'Obdobje' ReadOnly = False LookupType = ltEmpty VisibleButtons = [lbDropDown] LookupTypeIndividualSettings = True Height = 19 Width = 104 end object Naziv: TDaLookupComboBox Left = 71 Top = 11 Properties.Lookup.CustomDataSourceDefs = <> Properties.Lookup.DataSource = 'ltObcina' Style.TransparentBorder = False TabOrder = 5 EditLabel.Caption = 'Ob'#269'ina' LookupButtonWidth = 0 Height = 19 Width = 255 end object dlcxPanel4: TdlcxPanel Left = 207 Top = 41 Width = 503 Height = 310 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom] Borders = [bLeft, bTop, bRight, bBottom] Border3D = True TabOrder = 6 Transparent = True HeaderVisible = True HeaderCaption = 'Baze' HeaderHeight = 22 HeaderFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET HeaderFont.Color = clWindowText HeaderFont.Height = -11 HeaderFont.Name = 'Tahoma' HeaderFont.Style = [fsBold] HeaderPanelType = ptMain object TdlipDBGrid2: TcxGrid Left = 2 Top = 22 Width = 499 Height = 286 Align = alClient TabOrder = 0 object TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View1: TcxGridDBTableView PopupMenu = Izberi NavigatorButtons.ConfirmDelete = False DataController.DataModeController.GridMode = True DataController.DataSource = DB DataController.Options = [dcoAssignGroupingValues, dcoAssignMasterDetailKeys, dcoSaveExpanding, dcoImmediatePost] DataController.Summary.DefaultGroupSummaryItems = <> DataController.Summary.FooterSummaryItems = <> DataController.Summary.SummaryGroups = <> OptionsData.Deleting = False OptionsData.DeletingConfirmation = False OptionsData.Inserting = False OptionsView.ColumnAutoWidth = True OptionsView.GroupByBox = False object TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View10: TcxGridDBColumn Caption = 'O.' DataBinding.FieldName = 'acMarked' PropertiesClassName = 'TdlcxCustomCheckBoxProperties' Properties.ReadOnly = False Properties.ValueChecked = 'T' Properties.ValueUnchecked = 'F' Width = 32 end object TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View11: TcxGridDBColumn Caption = 'Podjetje' DataBinding.FieldName = 'acCompany' PropertiesClassName = 'TcxTextEditProperties' Properties.ReadOnly = True Width = 190 end object TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View12: TcxGridDBColumn Caption = 'Ime baze podatkov' DataBinding.FieldName = 'DbName' PropertiesClassName = 'TcxTextEditProperties' Properties.ReadOnly = True Width = 114 end object dlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View1acMunicipDest: TcxGridDBColumn Caption = 'Ob'#269'ina' DataBinding.FieldName = 'acMunicipDest' PropertiesClassName = 'TdlcxLookupComboBoxProperties' Properties.ClearKey = 46 Properties.DropDownAutoSize = True Properties.DropDownSizeable = True Properties.DropDownWidth = 500 Properties.IncrementalFiltering = False Properties.KeyFieldNames = 'acSubjectMunicip' Properties.ListColumns = < item Caption = 'Ob'#269'ina' FieldName = 'acSubjectMunicip' end item Caption = 'Naziv 2' Width = 200 FieldName = 'acName2' end> Properties.ListOptions.SyncMode = True Properties.ListSource = dsLookOpcinaDest Properties.PostPopupValueOnTab = True Properties.ShowFieldNameValue = True Properties.LookupType = ltEmpty Properties.VisibleButtons = [lbDropDown] Width = 93 end object dlipDBGrid2acPeriodDest: TcxGridDBColumn Caption = 'Obdobje' DataBinding.FieldName = 'acPeriodDest' PropertiesClassName = 'TDaLookupComboBoxProperties' Properties.Lookup.CustomDataSourceDefs = <> Properties.Lookup.DataSource = 'ltHRObdobje' Width = 68 end end object TdlipDBGrid2_Level1: TcxGridLevel GridView = TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View1 end end end end object _evsaver: TEventCom end object Izberi: TPopupMenu Left = 301 Top = 133 object Izberi_item1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Izberi vse' end object Izberi_item2: TMenuItem Caption = 'Odkloni vse' end end object DB: TDataSource Tag = 2 DataSet = tbDB Left = 413 Top = 158 end object NazivLookupTable: TDataSource DataSet = DataSif.tbLookSubj Left = 464 Top = 160 end object tbDB: TdlDataset Tag = 1 SQL.Strings = ( '' '' '') FieldNamesToUpperCase = False AutoCalcFields = False Cached = True LocateInsert = False Editable = True RequestLive = True QueryRecCount = False DetailDelay = 0 LocalMasterDetail = False StrictUpdate = False TrimFixedChar = True TrimVarChar = True Left = 533 Top = 160 end object tbPeriods: TdlDataset Tag = 1 SQL.Strings = ( 'Select distinct acPeriod from tHR_SetSlryMunicipContr ' 'Order by acPeriod' '' '') FieldNamesToUpperCase = False AutoCalcFields = False Cached = True LocateInsert = False Editable = True RequestLive = True QueryRecCount = False DetailDelay = 0 LocalMasterDetail = False StrictUpdate = False TrimFixedChar = True TrimVarChar = True Left = 353 Top = 54 end object dsPeriods: TDataSource Tag = 2 DataSet = tbPeriods Left = 387 Top = 54 end object tbLookOpcinaDest: TdlDataset Tag = 1 SQL.Strings = ( '' '' '') FieldNamesToUpperCase = False MasterSource = DB AutoCalcFields = False Cached = True LocateInsert = False Editable = True RequestLive = True QueryRecCount = False DetailDelay = 0 LocalMasterDetail = False StrictUpdate = False TrimFixedChar = True TrimVarChar = True Left = 352 Top = 102 end object dsLookOpcinaDest: TDataSource Tag = 2 DataSet = tbLookOpcinaDest Left = 386 Top = 103 end end #unit FForm20; interface uses Forms, Controls, StdCtrls, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, cxGrid,db,dlcomponents,dlDatabase,Menus, Dialogs; type TForm20 = class(TarForm) Izberi: TPopupMenu; Izberi_item1: TMenuItem; Izberi_item2: TMenuItem; dlcxPanel1: TdlcxPanel; TdlButton2: TdlcxButton; TdlButton3: TdlcxButton; DB: TDataSource; NazivLookupTable: TDataSource; tbDB: TdlDataset; lbMsg1: TdlcxLabel; dlcxPanel3: TdlcxPanel; tbPeriods: TdlDataset; fObd: TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox; Naziv: TDaLookupComboBox; dsPeriods: TDataSource; tbLookOpcinaDest: TdlDataset; dsLookOpcinaDest: TDataSource; dlcxPanel4: TdlcxPanel; TdlipDBGrid2: TcxGrid; TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View1: TcxGridDBTableView; TdlipDBGrid2_Level1: TcxGridLevel; TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View10: TcxGridDBColumn; TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View11: TcxGridDBColumn; TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View12: TcxGridDBColumn; dlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View1acMunicipDest: TcxGridDBColumn; fNacPrenos: TdlcxRadioGroup; dlipDBGrid2acPeriodDest: TcxGridDBColumn; procedure TdlButton3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Izberi_item2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Izberi_item1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure TdlButton2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject); Procedure DoTdlButton3OnClick(Sender: TObject); private cSQLTable: string; cSQLTableMun: string; procedure FillDatabases; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; end; var Form20: TForm20; implementation constructor TForm20.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); ares.AssignObjectsToForm('FForm20',Self); Izberi := FindComponent('Izberi'); Izberi_item1 := FindComponent('Izberi_item1'); Izberi_item2 := FindComponent('Izberi_item2'); dlcxPanel1 := FindComponent('dlcxPanel1'); TdlipDBGrid2 := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid2'); TdlipDBGrid2_Level1 := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid2_Level1'); TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View1 := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View1'); TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View10 := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View10'); TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View11 := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View11'); TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View12 := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View12'); //TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_Level1 := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_Level1'); TdlButton2 := FindComponent('TdlButton2'); TdlButton3 := FindComponent('TdlButton3'); DB := FindComponent('DB'); NazivLookupTable := FindComponent('NazivLookupTable'); tbDB := FindComponent('tbDB'); lbMsg1 := FindComponent('lbMsg1'); dlcxPanel3 := FindComponent('dlcxPanel3'); fNacPrenos := FindComponent('fNacPrenos'); AresFindComponent(tbPeriods, 'tbPeriods', Self); AresFindComponent(fObd, 'fObd', Self); AresFindComponent(Naziv, 'Naziv', Self); AresFindComponent(dsPeriods, 'dsPeriods', Self); //tbDB.Open; TdlButton3.OnClick := DoTdlButton3OnClick; tbPeriods.Open; AresFindComponent(tbLookOpcinaDest, 'tbLookOpcinaDest', Self); AresFindComponent(dsLookOpcinaDest, 'dsLookOpcinaDest', Self); //try If Assigned(OwnerForm) then begin If OwnerForm.FindComponent('dblcObdobje') <> nil then FObd.EditValue := TDaDBLookupComboBox(OwnerForm.FindComponent('dblcObdobje')).EditValue; If OwnerForm.FindComponent('fNaziv') <> nil then Naziv.EditValue := TDaDBLookupComboBox(OwnerForm.FindComponent('fNaziv')).EditValue; TdlButton3.OnClick := TdlButton3Click; AresFindComponent(dlipDBGrid2acPeriodDest, 'dlipDBGrid2acPeriodDest', Self); end; //except //end; AresFindComponent(dlcxPanel4, 'dlcxPanel4', Self); AresFindComponent(TdlipDBGrid2, 'TdlipDBGrid2', Self); AresFindComponent(TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View1, 'TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View1', Self); AresFindComponent(TdlipDBGrid2_Level1, 'TdlipDBGrid2_Level1', Self); AresFindComponent(TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View10, 'TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View10', Self); AresFindComponent(TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View11, 'TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View11', Self); AresFindComponent(TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View12, 'TdlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View12', Self); AresFindComponent(dlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View1acMunicipDest, 'dlipDBGrid2TdlipDBGrid2_View1acMunicipDest', Self); AresFindComponent(fNacPrenos, 'fNacPrenos', Self); Izberi_item2.OnClick := Izberi_item2Click; Izberi_item1.OnClick := Izberi_item1Click; TdlButton2.OnClick := TdlButton2Click; OnResize := FormResize; FillDatabases; If (dlcxPanel4.Top + dlcxPanel4.Height > dlcxPanel4.Parent.ClientHeight) then dlcxPanel4.Height := dlcxPanel4.Parent.ClientHeight - dlcxPanel4.Top - 8; If (dlcxPanel4.Left + dlcxPanel4.Width > dlcxPanel4.Parent.ClientWidth) then dlcxPanel4.Width := dlcxPanel4.Parent.ClientWidth - dlcxPanel4.Left - 8; end; procedure TForm20.FillDatabases; var spRun: TdlStoredProc; cNapaka: String; tbTemp: tDlDataset; cObcina: string; begin ares.executeStep(3); ares.executeStep(4); ares.executeStep(7); ares.executeStep(6); tbTemp := tDlDataset.Create(nil); If not ISOracle then begin tbTemp.SQL.Text :=' Select 1 as Obstaja Where not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects '+ ' where id = object_id(N''[dbo].[pHR_FillMunicip]'') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N''IsProcedure'') = 1) '; tbTemp.Active := True; If (tbTemp.FieldByName('Obstaja').AsInteger = 1) then ares.executeStep(2); tbTemp.Active := False; (*tbTemp.SQL.Text :=' Select 1 as Obstaja Where not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects '+ ' where id = object_id(N''[dbo].[pHR_MoveSubjContr]'') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N''IsProcedure'') = 1) '; tbTemp.Active := True; If (tbTemp.FieldByName('Obstaja').AsInteger = 1) then *) ares.executeStep(5); ares.executeStep(1); end; cSQLTable := sqlCreateTableFromStr('lHR_MovePrsnDatabase', True); cSQLTableMun := sqlCreateTableFromStr('lHR_DatabasesMunicip', True); spRun := TdlStoredProc.Create(nil); //try spRun.StoredProcName := 'pHR_FillDatabases'; spRun.ExecProc; //spRun.Free; spRun.StoredProcName := 'pHR_FillMunicip'; spRun.ExecProc; cNapaka := spRun.ParamByNAme('cErroeMessage').Asstring; If Trim(cNapaka) <> '' then begin //ShowMessage(' Prlo je do napake '+ #13+#10 +cNapaka); dlMessageDlg(' Prlo je do napake '+ #13+#10 +cNapaka, mtError, [mbOK], 0); end; spRun.Free; //except // on E: Exception do FillError(E, Self, 'pHR_FillDatabases'); //end; tbDB.Active := False; tbDB.SQL.Text := 'Select * from '+cSQLTable; tbDB.Open; Izberi_item1Click(self); tbLookOpcinaDest.Active := False; tbLookOpcinaDest.SQL.Text := 'Select * from '+cSQLTableMun + ' O '+ ' Where O.dbName=:dbName '; tbLookOpcinaDest.Open; If Naziv.Text = '' then begin tbTemp.Active := False; tbTemp.SQL.Text :=' Select acHQMunicipality from thr_param C '; tbTemp.Active := True; cObcina := tbTemp.FieldByName('acHQMunicipality').AsString; Naziv.EditValue := cObcina; tbTemp.Active := False; tbTemp.SQL.Text :=' Select Max(acPeriod) as acPeriod from tHR_SetSlryMunicipContr C '+ 'Where acMunicipality= '''+cObcina+''''; tbTemp.Active := True; fOBD.EditValue := tbTemp.FieldByName('acPeriod').AsString; end; tbTemp.Free; end; Procedure TForm20.DoTdlButton3OnClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TForm20.FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TForm20.TdlButton2Click(Sender: TObject); var spRun: TdlStoredProc; begin if (tbDB.state = dsEdit) then tbDB.Post; If (Trim(Naziv.Text) = '') or (Trim(fObd.Text) = '') then begin dlMessageDlg('Obvezen vnos obine in obdobja!', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); end else begin spRun := TdlStoredProc.Create(nil); spRun.StoredProcName := 'pHR_MoveSubjContr'; spRun.ParamByName('cSourceMunicip').Asstring := Naziv.EditValue; spRun.ParamByName('cPeriod').Asstring := fObd.EditValue; spRun.ParamByName('cType').Asstring := IntToStr(fNacPrenos.ItemIndex); spRun.ExecProc; spRun.Free; dlMessageDlg(lbMsg1.Caption, mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); end; end; procedure TForm20.Izberi_item1Click(Sender: TObject); var cSQL: string; begin cSQL := ' update ' + cSQLTable + ' set acMarked = ''T'''; DBExecScript(cSQL, True); tbDB.Active := False; tbDB.Active := True; end; procedure TForm20.Izberi_item2Click(Sender: TObject); var cSQL: string; begin cSQL := ' update ' + cSQLTable + ' set acMarked = ''F'''; DBExecScript(cSQL, True); tbDB.Active := False; tbDB.Active := True; end; procedure TForm20.TdlButton3Click(Sender: TObject); begin Self.Close; end; end. ?//*!*\\W741;H303;L12;T74;C;X0 //*!*\\Color=-2147483633 //*!*\\PopupMenu= //*$*\\TdlButton2.OnClick=000-100;F //*$*\\TdlButton3.OnClick=000-500;F //*$*\\fSubjAll.OnClick=000-600;F //*$*\\Izberi_item1.OnClick=000-610;F //*$*\\Izberi_item2.OnClick=000-620;F //*@*\\ object tbDB: TwwOEDataSet Tag = 1 hDbc = DataSif.Database hStmt.ConcurrencyType = 4 hStmt.CursorType = 0 hStmt.SkipByPosition = True hStmt.SkipByCursor = True hStmt.Target.Target = ( 'OE5.07' '' '' '' '') SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from ~T~Db10D~T~ order by Podjetje' '--Cast('#39#39' as Char(1)) as DbName,' '--Cast('#39#39' as Char(1)) as Podjetje,' '--Cast('#39#39' as Char(1)) as Skupina,' '--Cast('#39#39' as Char(1)) as Oznacen' '' '') RequestLive = True UniDirectional = True Editable = True Params = <> Cached = True ControlType.Strings = ( 'Oznacen;CheckBox;T;F') ValidateWithMask = True DatabaseName = 'Database' end //*@*\\ object DB: TwwDataSource Tag = 2 DataSet = tbDB end //*@*\\ object Izberi: TPopupMenu2000 Ctl3D = True end //*@*\\Izberi object Izberi_item1: TMenuItem2000 Caption = 'Izberi vse' end //*@*\\Izberi object Izberi_item2: TMenuItem2000 Caption = 'Odkloni vse' end //*@*\\ object TdlGroupBox2: TdlGroupBox Left = 16 Top = 40 Width = 168 Height = 138 Caption = 'Prenos podatkov' Ctl3D = False PanelType = ptNone ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 0 end //*@*\\TdlGroupBox2 object fSubjAll: TdlCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 16 Width = 145 Height = 17 Caption = 'Prenos partnerja' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 0 end //*@*\\TdlGroupBox2 object fRacuni: TdlCheckBox Left = 32 Top = 64 Width = 128 Height = 17 Caption = 'Ra'#269'uni' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 1 end //*@*\\TdlGroupBox2 object fPogCen: TdlCheckBox Left = 32 Top = 80 Width = 130 Height = 17 Caption = 'Pogodbeni cenik' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 2 end //*@*\\TdlGroupBox2 object fTecaj: TdlCheckBox Left = 32 Top = 96 Width = 131 Height = 17 Caption = 'Te'#269'ajna lista' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 3 end //*@*\\TdlGroupBox2 object fPrisp: TdlCheckBox Left = 32 Top = 112 Width = 129 Height = 17 Caption = 'Prispevki' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 4 end //*@*\\TdlGroupBox2 object fKontOs: TdlCheckBox Left = 32 Top = 48 Width = 130 Height = 17 Caption = 'Kontaktne osebe' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 5 end //*@*\\TdlGroupBox2 object fOsnPod: TdlCheckBox Left = 32 Top = 32 Width = 130 Height = 17 Caption = 'Osnovni podatki' Checked = True State = cbChecked TabOrder = 6 end //*@*\\ object fNacPrenos: TdlRadioGroup Left = 17 Top = 191 Width = 166 Height = 65 Caption = 'Na'#269'in prenosa' Ctl3D = False ItemIndex = 1 Items.Strings = ( 'Prekrivanje vseh podatkov' 'Prekrivanje vne'#353'enih' 'Dodajanje ') ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 1 end //*@*\\ object TdlipDBGrid2: TdlipDBGrid Left = 200 Top = 40 Width = 513 Height = 217 Selected.Strings = ( 'Oznacen'#9'3'#9'O.'#9'F' 'Podjetje'#9'35'#9'Podjetje'#9'T' 'DbName'#9'40'#9'Ime baze podatkov'#9'T') MemoAttributes = [mSizeable, mWordWrap, mGridShow] IniAttributes.FileName = 'Pantheon.ini' IniAttributes.SectionName = 'TdlipDBGrid2' IniAttributes.Delimiter = ';;' ExportOptions.FileName = 'Pantheon.txt' TitleColor = clBtnFace FixedCols = 0 ShowHorzScrollBar = True Ctl3D = False DataSource = DB KeyOptions = [dgEnterToTab, dgAllowDelete, dgAllowInsert] ParentCtl3D = False PopupMenu = Izberi TabOrder = 2 TitleAlignment = taLeftJustify TitleFont.Charset = 1 TitleFont.Color = clBlack TitleFont.Height = -11 TitleFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' TitleFont.Style = [] TitleLines = 1 TitleButtons = False UseTFields = False FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] end //*@*\\ object TdlLabel2: TdlLabel Left = 34 Top = 16 Width = 37 Height = 13 Alignment = taRightJustify Caption = 'Partner:' end //*@*\\ object Naziv: TdlipDBLookupCombo Left = 80 Top = 13 Width = 218 Height = 19 Ctl3D = False BorderStyle = bsNone DropDownAlignment = taLeftJustify Selected.Strings = ( 'Naziv'#9'30'#9'Naziv'#9'F' 'Naslov'#9'40'#9'Naslov'#9'F' 'Posta'#9'11'#9'Po'#353'ta'#9'F') LookupTable = DataSif.tbLookSubj LookupField = 'Naziv' Options = [loColLines, loRowLines, loTitles] ButtonStyle = cbsCustom ButtonEffects.Flat = True Frame.Enabled = True Frame.NonFocusBorders = [efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder] ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 3 AutoDropDown = False ShowButton = True UseTFields = False AllowClearKey = True EditLabel.Width = 3 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.FocusControl = Owner EditLabel.Transparent = True FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] LabelPosition = lpLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True end //*@*\\ object TdlButton2: TdlButton Left = 544 Top = 8 Width = 80 Height = 22 Caption = '&Prenos' TabOrder = 4 TabStop = False ColorMouseOver = 14608367 FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] DisabledFont.Charset = 1 DisabledFont.Color = clWindowText DisabledFont.Height = -11 DisabledFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' DisabledFont.Style = [] end //*@*\\ object TdlButton3: TdlButton Left = 632 Top = 8 Width = 80 Height = 22 Caption = '&Konec' TabOrder = 5 TabStop = False ColorMouseOver = 14608367 FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] DisabledFont.Charset = 1 DisabledFont.Color = clWindowText DisabledFont.Height = -11 DisabledFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' DisabledFont.Style = [] end Unknown subproperty: hStmt.Target.Target=( 'OE5.07' '' '' '' ''), object: tbDB/TdlDataset Unknown subproperty: ControlType.Strings=( 'Oznacen;CheckBox;T;F'), object: tbDB/TdlDataset Unknown property: ValidateWithMask=True, object: tbDB/TdlDataset Unknown property: DatabaseName=Database, object: tbDB/TdlDataset Unknown property: MemoAttributes=[mSizeable, mWordWrap, mGridShow], object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: IniAttributes.FileName=Pantheon.ini, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: IniAttributes.SectionName=TdlipDBGrid2, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: IniAttributes.Delimiter=;;, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: ExportOptions.FileName=Pantheon.txt, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: TitleColor=clBtnFace, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: FixedCols=0, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: ShowHorzScrollBar=True, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: KeyOptions=[dgEnterToTab, dgAllowDelete, dgAllowInsert], object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: TitleAlignment=taLeftJustify, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: TitleFont.Charset=1, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: TitleFont.Color=clBlack, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: TitleFont.Height=-11, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: TitleFont.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: TitleFont.Style=[], object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: TitleLines=1, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: TitleButtons=False, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: UseTFields=False, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Charset=1, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Color=clWindowText, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Height=-11, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Style=[], object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: Alignment=taRightJustify, object: TdlLabel2/TdlcxLabel Unknown property: BorderStyle=bsNone, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: DropDownAlignment=taLeftJustify, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: Selected.Strings=( 'Naziv'#9'30'#9'Naziv'#9'F' 'Naslov'#9'40'#9'Naslov'#9'F' 'Posta'#9'11'#9'Pota'#9'F'), object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: LookupTable=DataSif.tbLookSubj, object: NazivLookupTable/TDataSource Unknown property: Options=[loColLines, loRowLines, loTitles], object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: ButtonStyle=cbsCustom, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: ButtonEffects.Flat=True, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: Frame.Enabled=True, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: Frame.NonFocusBorders=[efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder], object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: AutoDropDown=False, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: ShowButton=True, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: UseTFields=False, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: AllowClearKey=True, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: EditLabel.Width=3, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: EditLabel.Height=13, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: EditLabel.FocusControl=Owner, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: EditLabel.Transparent=True, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: LabelPosition=lpoLeft, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: LabelSpacing=3, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: LabelVisible=True, object: Naziv/TcxDBLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Charset=1, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Color=clWindowText, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Height=-11, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Style=[], object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Charset=1, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Color=clWindowText, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Height=-11, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Style=[], object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Charset=1, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Color=clWindowText, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Height=-11, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Style=[], object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Charset=1, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Color=clWindowText, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Height=-11, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Style=[], object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton acKeyanNoanSeqNoacHField2acHType anHLengthanHDecacPField2acPTypeanPLegthanPDec acPFormat acPSeparator anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acKeyanNoanSeqNo acFieldName2 anFieldSize acFieldTitleacFieldReadOnly acEditType acFieldConst anUserChg anUserIns adTimeIns adTimeChg acFieldFormatacFieldDefault acLookupSQL acKeyanNo acDataEventacDataReturnValue acKeyAndNo anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acKey acWhereKeyanNo acFieldName acParamVar acFieldType acFieldREQacFieldCaption2 acDefaultExpacDefaultValue acLookUpSQL acOperator acVarHint2 acAddApostrof anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acPrtCrit ACKEY ANVERSIONANNOACSQLEXPACNOTE ADTIMECHG ANUSERCHG ADTIMEINS ANUSERINSACREPORTACLANGIDACLOCALIZATION2 ACFORMNAMEdACNAMEdACDEFAULTPRINTER ACPREVIEWANMAXPRSTLEVELACSUBSTITUTESIGNACPRINTIFEMPTY ACPRINTTOTEXT ANNOOFCOPY ACORDERBY ACREGUSERCODEACACTIVE ACKEYSHORTCUT2 ANUSERINS ADTIMEINS ANUSERCHG ADTIMECHG ACTEXT1ACTEXT2ACTEXT3ACNOTE ACREPORTDATAacKey acUnitName acObjectName acTranslationacLocalisation