GpStructuredStorage file  c7  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~sqli.vtd sqliForm.vtd{sqliFormName.vtd. sqliStep.vtdRsqliStepFile.vtd\8sqliStepStr.vtd]6sqliStepStrEvent.vtd^ sqliVar.vtd_ sqliVer.vtd`sqliReports.vtdasqliTranslation.vtdbracKeyacNamed acIsDebugacType acVarInINI acAutoStart acAutoClose acEndMessageacLocalization2acFormNameAuthoracActive anVersion acLogType acInstCoded anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acIsLocalizedacRunOnInstall acRunOnUpdate acRunOnDelete anOldVersion acCryptPassacCompiledScriptacNote acAresLiteS000011 Knjienje na evidenne konte P55FAFTFTRT0EB_yBFFFFF acKey acFormName2 acDocType acObjectName2acType acKeyShortCut2acTabSheetName2 anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acFormTypeS000011 GKKnjizenje4100DCtrl+BoC쀾B\B1S000011 GKKnjizenje4400DCtrl+BZ+(BZ+(B1S000011 PrometIzdIntDBq>B1S000011 PrometPreIntD]B]B1 acFormName2acName2acKeyanNoacViewacSetOfacDescracReportacFileCreateTableanFileDelimiter acFileNameacFileTableName acFileDest acFileType acFileTypeXML acShowIfEmptyacTitleButtons anTitleLinesanBeginFromRecord anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acCharSet2 acStyleSheet acUnitNamed acNewThreadacDFMacPAS acSQLExport2acSQLExpacNote S000011GPFAENF0BDdHB windows-1250Knjienje na evidenne konte v2Fkprogram AresScript; uses SysUtils, Classes, Forms, FForm20, Dialogs; procedure MyExecuteUnit(Id: integer); begin Ares.NextStep := -1; case Id of 20: begin Form20 := tForm20.Create(Ares); if Form20.FormStyle = fsNormal then Form20.Visible := true; end; 65: Ares.Terminate; else Ares.ExecuteStep(Id); end; if (Ares.GetSetOf(Id) in ['I','D','R','N','B','J','0','O']) and (Ares.NextStep > 0) then MyExecuteUnit(Ares.NextStep); end; procedure MyFullExecuteUnit(AJumpTo: string; ASingleStep: boolean = false); var AacKey: string; AanNo: integer; begin RepairAcKeyAndAnNo(AJumpTo, AacKey, AanNo); if AanNo > 0 then begin if ASingleStep then Ares.ExecuteStep(AanNo) else MyExecuteUnit(AanNo); end; end; begin MyExecuteUnit(5); end. S000011GIKreiranje podatkovnih strukturTEAENFZWB`yB windows-1250F if Object_ID('tHE_AcctEvidence') is null begin -- ET_KontoStr create table tHE_AcctEvidence (acAcctFrom VarChar(13) null, acAcctTo VarChar(13) null, acAcctTrans VarChar(13) null) create unique index kHE_AcctEvidence_0 on tHE_AcctEvidence (acAcctFrom, acAcctTo) end if Object_ID('tHE_AcctType') is null begin -- ET_KontoPlac create table tHE_AcctType (acAcct VarChar(13) null, acType Char(1) null) create unique index kHE_AcctType_0 on tHE_AcctType (acAcct) end if Object_ID('tHE_LinkAcctTransItem2x') is null begin create table tHE_LinkAcctTransItem2x (acKey Char(13) not null, anNo int not null, acLnkKey Char(13) not null, acLnkNo int not null, acType char(2) not null, acTypeA char(2) null, acTypeB char(2) null, anFieldNA float null, anFieldNB float null, anUserID int null, adDate datetime null, acValue varchar(255) null, anUserIns int null, adTimeIns datetime null, anUserChg int null, adTimeChg datetime null) create unique index kHE_LinkAcctTransItem2x_0 on tHE_LinkAcctTransItem2x (acKey, anNo, acLnkKey, acLnkNo, acType) end if not Object_ID('tempdb..##PreKnj') is null drop table ##PreKnj create table ##PreKnj (Kljuc Char(13) null, Poz Int null, Konto VarChar(13) null, Subjekt Char(30) null, VezniDok VarChar(35) null, VKljuc Char(13) null, KontoIz VarChar(13) null, KontoNa VarChar(13) null, KontoPreh VarChar(13) null, Faktor Float null, Znesek Money null, Tip Char(1) null, KljucStr Char(13) null, Status Char(10) null, PozStr Int null) S000011GFPrenos na evidenne konteTEAENFDB_yB windows-1250FForm20F[object Form20: TForm Tag = 99 Left = 210 Top = 257 ActiveControl = PageControl Caption = 'Prenos na eviden'#269'ne konte' ClientHeight = 506 ClientWidth = 792 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Position = poDesigned PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object TSplitter2: TcxSplitter Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 2 Height = 506 Cursor = crHSplit Color = clSkyBlue ParentColor = False end object PageControl: TdlcxPageControl Left = 2 Top = 0 Width = 790 Height = 506 ActivePage = pNastavitve Align = alClient Style = 15 TabOrder = 1 ShowMinimizeButton = False Minimized = False ExplicitLeft = 7 ExplicitWidth = 801 ExplicitHeight = 496 ClientRectBottom = 506 ClientRectRight = 790 ClientRectTop = 19 object pNastavitve: TdlcxTabSheet Caption = 'Nastavitve' Color = 15131095 ImageIndex = 0 ParentColor = False ExplicitTop = 0 ExplicitWidth = 289 ExplicitHeight = 174 object TdlPanel1: TdlcxPanel Left = 2 Top = 5 Width = 242 Height = 480 Align = alLeft BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 ExplicitLeft = 0 ExplicitTop = 23 ExplicitHeight = 568 object fDatumOD: TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Left = 144 Top = 168 AutoSize = False ParentFont = False Properties.ReadOnly = False Properties.WeekNumbers = True Style.BorderStyle = ebsFlat Style.Color = 15065304 Style.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Style.Font.Color = clWindowText Style.Font.Height = -11 Style.Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Style.Font.Style = [] Style.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat Style.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False Style.Shadow = False Style.ButtonStyle = btsSimple Style.ButtonTransparency = ebtAlways Style.PopupBorderStyle = epbsDefault Style.IsFontAssigned = True StyleDisabled.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleDisabled.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False StyleFocused.Color = 14347503 StyleFocused.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleFocused.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False StyleHot.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleHot.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False TabOrder = 1 LabelPosition = lpoLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True EditLabel.Left = 88 EditLabel.Top = 171 EditLabel.Width = 53 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.Caption = 'Datum OD:' EditLabel.FocusControl = fDatumOD EditLabel.Transparent = True ComponentSize = csSmall Caption = 'Datum OD:' Templatable = False ReadOnly = False Height = 19 Width = 89 end object fDatumDO: TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Left = 144 Top = 192 AutoSize = False ParentFont = False Properties.ReadOnly = False Properties.WeekNumbers = True Style.BorderStyle = ebsFlat Style.Color = 15065304 Style.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Style.Font.Color = clWindowText Style.Font.Height = -11 Style.Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Style.Font.Style = [] Style.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat Style.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False Style.Shadow = False Style.ButtonStyle = btsSimple Style.ButtonTransparency = ebtAlways Style.PopupBorderStyle = epbsDefault Style.IsFontAssigned = True StyleDisabled.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleDisabled.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False StyleFocused.Color = 14347503 StyleFocused.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleFocused.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False StyleHot.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleHot.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False TabOrder = 2 LabelPosition = lpoLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True EditLabel.Left = 88 EditLabel.Top = 195 EditLabel.Width = 53 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.Caption = 'Datum DO:' EditLabel.FocusControl = fDatumDO EditLabel.Transparent = True ComponentSize = csSmall Caption = 'Datum DO:' Templatable = False ReadOnly = False Height = 19 Width = 88 end object fPoslDogIzp: TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Left = 144 Top = 232 Hint = 'Izberi vrsto dokumenta za pla'#269'ila.' AutoSize = False ParentFont = False Properties.DropDownAutoSize = True Properties.DropDownListStyle = lsEditList Properties.IncrementalFiltering = False Properties.KeyFieldNames = 'acDocType' Properties.ListColumns = <> Properties.ListOptions.SyncMode = True Properties.ReadOnly = False Style.BorderStyle = ebsFlat Style.Color = 15065304 Style.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Style.Font.Color = clWindowText Style.Font.Height = -11 Style.Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Style.Font.Style = [] Style.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat Style.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False Style.Shadow = False Style.ButtonStyle = btsSimple Style.ButtonTransparency = ebtAlways Style.PopupBorderStyle = epbsDefault Style.IsFontAssigned = True StyleDisabled.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleDisabled.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False StyleFocused.Color = 14347503 StyleFocused.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleFocused.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False StyleHot.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleHot.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False TabOrder = 3 LabelPosition = lpoLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True EditLabel.Left = 17 EditLabel.Top = 235 EditLabel.Width = 124 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.Caption = 'Vrsta dokumenta - pla'#269'ila:' EditLabel.FocusControl = fPoslDogIzp EditLabel.Transparent = True ComponentSize = csSmall Templatable = False Caption = 'Vrsta dokumenta - pla'#269'ila:' ReadOnly = False LookupType = ltPoslDogGK VisibleButtons = [lbDropDown] LookupTypeIndividualSettings = False Height = 19 Width = 64 end object TdlGroupBox2: TdlcxGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Caption = 'Kreiranje temeljnice:' TabOrder = 0 PanelType = ptNone ComponentSize = csSmall Templatable = False Height = 108 Width = 225 object fDatumKnj: TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Left = 104 Top = 44 TabStop = False AutoSize = False ParentFont = False Properties.ReadOnly = False Properties.WeekNumbers = True Style.BorderStyle = ebsFlat Style.Color = 15065304 Style.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Style.Font.Color = clWindowText Style.Font.Height = -11 Style.Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Style.Font.Style = [] Style.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat Style.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False Style.Shadow = False Style.ButtonStyle = btsSimple Style.ButtonTransparency = ebtAlways Style.PopupBorderStyle = epbsDefault Style.IsFontAssigned = True StyleDisabled.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleDisabled.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False StyleFocused.Color = 14347503 StyleFocused.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleFocused.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False StyleHot.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleHot.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False TabOrder = 1 LabelPosition = lpoLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True EditLabel.Left = 21 EditLabel.Top = 47 EditLabel.Width = 80 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.Caption = 'Datum knji'#382'enja:' EditLabel.FocusControl = fDatumKnj EditLabel.Transparent = True ComponentSize = csSmall Caption = 'Datum knji'#382'enja:' Templatable = False ReadOnly = False Height = 19 Width = 89 end object fDatumObd: TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Left = 104 Top = 19 TabStop = False AutoSize = False ParentFont = False Properties.ReadOnly = False Properties.WeekNumbers = True Style.BorderStyle = ebsFlat Style.Color = 15065304 Style.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Style.Font.Color = clWindowText Style.Font.Height = -11 Style.Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Style.Font.Style = [] Style.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat Style.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False Style.Shadow = False Style.ButtonStyle = btsSimple Style.ButtonTransparency = ebtAlways Style.PopupBorderStyle = epbsDefault Style.IsFontAssigned = True StyleDisabled.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleDisabled.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False StyleFocused.Color = 14347503 StyleFocused.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleFocused.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False StyleHot.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleHot.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False TabOrder = 0 LabelPosition = lpoLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True EditLabel.Left = 24 EditLabel.Top = 22 EditLabel.Width = 77 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.Caption = 'Datum obdobja:' EditLabel.FocusControl = fDatumObd EditLabel.Transparent = True ComponentSize = csSmall Caption = 'Datum obdobja:' Templatable = False ReadOnly = False Height = 19 Width = 89 end object fPoslDogKnj: TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Left = 104 Top = 76 Hint = 'Izberi vrsto dokumenta temeljnice.' TabStop = False AutoSize = False ParentFont = False Properties.DropDownAutoSize = True Properties.DropDownListStyle = lsEditList Properties.IncrementalFiltering = False Properties.KeyFieldNames = 'acDocType' Properties.ListColumns = <> Properties.ListOptions.SyncMode = True Properties.ReadOnly = False Style.BorderStyle = ebsFlat Style.Color = 15065304 Style.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Style.Font.Color = clWindowText Style.Font.Height = -11 Style.Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Style.Font.Style = [] Style.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat Style.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False Style.Shadow = False Style.ButtonStyle = btsSimple Style.ButtonTransparency = ebtAlways Style.PopupBorderStyle = epbsDefault Style.IsFontAssigned = True StyleDisabled.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleDisabled.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False StyleFocused.Color = 14347503 StyleFocused.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleFocused.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False StyleHot.LookAndFeel.Kind = lfFlat StyleHot.LookAndFeel.NativeStyle = False TabOrder = 2 LabelPosition = lpoLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True EditLabel.Left = 16 EditLabel.Top = 79 EditLabel.Width = 85 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.Caption = 'Vrsta dokumenta:' EditLabel.FocusControl = fPoslDogKnj EditLabel.Transparent = True ComponentSize = csSmall Templatable = False Caption = 'Vrsta dokumenta:' ReadOnly = False LookupType = ltPoslDogGK VisibleButtons = [lbDropDown] LookupTypeIndividualSettings = False Height = 19 Width = 66 end end object TdlButton2: TdlcxButton Left = 24 Top = 288 Width = 80 Height = 22 Caption = 'Zberi podatke' TabOrder = 4 end object TdlButton3: TdlcxButton Left = 152 Top = 288 Width = 80 Height = 22 Caption = 'Konec' TabOrder = 5 end end object TdlPanel2: TdlcxPanel Left = 244 Top = 5 Width = 300 Height = 480 Align = alLeft BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 1 object TdlPanel6: TdlcxPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 300 Height = 24 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'Eviden'#269'ni konti' TabOrder = 0 end object TdlipDBGrid3: TcxGrid Left = 0 Top = 24 Width = 300 Height = 456 Align = alClient TabOrder = 1 object TdlipDBGrid3_View1: TcxGridDBTableView NavigatorButtons.ConfirmDelete = False DataController.DataSource = DataET_KontoStr DataController.Summary.DefaultGroupSummaryItems = <> DataController.Summary.FooterSummaryItems = <> DataController.Summary.SummaryGroups = <> OptionsView.GroupByBox = False object TdlipDBGrid3_View1KontoIz: TcxGridDBColumn Caption = 'Konto IZ' DataBinding.FieldName = 'acAcctFrom' Width = 80 end object TdlipDBGrid3_View1KontoNa: TcxGridDBColumn Caption = 'Konto NA' DataBinding.FieldName = 'acAcctTo' PropertiesClassName = 'TDaLookupComboBoxProperties' Properties.Lookup.CustomDataSourceDefs = <> Properties.Lookup.DataSource = 'ltKonto' Width = 80 end object TdlipDBGrid3_View1KontoPreh: TcxGridDBColumn Caption = 'Prehodni konto' DataBinding.FieldName = 'acAcctTrans' PropertiesClassName = 'TDaLookupComboBoxProperties' Properties.Lookup.CustomDataSourceDefs = <> Properties.Lookup.DataSource = 'ltKonto' Width = 80 end end object TdlipDBGrid3_Level1: TcxGridLevel GridView = TdlipDBGrid3_View1 end end end object TdlPanel3: TdlcxPanel Left = 544 Top = 5 Width = 244 Height = 480 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 2 object TdlPanel4: TdlcxPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 244 Height = 24 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'Konti terjatev/obveznosti' TabOrder = 0 end object TdlipDBGrid2: TcxGrid Left = 0 Top = 24 Width = 244 Height = 456 Align = alClient TabOrder = 1 object TdlipDBGrid2_View1: TcxGridDBTableView NavigatorButtons.ConfirmDelete = False DataController.DataSource = DataET_KontoPlac DataController.Summary.DefaultGroupSummaryItems = <> DataController.Summary.FooterSummaryItems = <> DataController.Summary.SummaryGroups = <> OptionsView.GroupByBox = False object TdlipDBGrid2_View1Konto: TcxGridDBColumn Caption = 'Konto' DataBinding.FieldName = 'acAcct' PropertiesClassName = 'TDaLookupComboBoxProperties' Properties.Lookup.CustomDataSourceDefs = <> Properties.Lookup.DataSource = 'ltKonto' Width = 80 end object TdlipDBGrid2_View1Tip: TcxGridDBColumn Caption = 'Tip' DataBinding.FieldName = 'acType' PropertiesClassName = 'TdlcxImageComboBoxProperties' Properties.Items = < item Description = 'K-Kupec' ImageIndex = 0 Value = 'K' end item Description = 'D-Dobavitelj' Value = 'D' end> Properties.ClearValue = Null Width = 80 end end object TdlipDBGrid2_Level1: TcxGridLevel GridView = TdlipDBGrid2_View1 end end end end object pKnjizbe: TdlcxTabSheet Caption = 'Knji'#382'be' Color = 15131095 ImageIndex = 1 ParentColor = False object dlcxPanel1: TdlcxPanel Left = 2 Top = 5 Width = 786 Height = 41 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object dlcxButton1: TdlcxButton Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 80 Height = 22 Caption = 'Knji'#382'i' TabOrder = 0 end object dlcxButton2: TdlcxButton Left = 98 Top = 8 Width = 80 Height = 22 Caption = 'Konec' TabOrder = 1 end end object cxGrid1: TcxGrid Left = 2 Top = 46 Width = 786 Height = 439 Align = alClient TabOrder = 1 object cxGrid1DBTableView1: TcxGridDBTableView NavigatorButtons.ConfirmDelete = False DataController.DataSource = Poz DataController.Summary.DefaultGroupSummaryItems = <> DataController.Summary.FooterSummaryItems = <> DataController.Summary.SummaryGroups = <> OptionsView.GroupByBox = False object cxGrid1DBTableView1KontoNa: TcxGridDBColumn DataBinding.FieldName = 'KontoNa' Width = 90 end object cxGrid1DBTableView1KontoIz: TcxGridDBColumn DataBinding.FieldName = 'KontoIz' Width = 90 end object cxGrid1DBTableView1Znesek: TcxGridDBColumn DataBinding.FieldName = 'Znesek' Width = 80 end object cxGrid1DBTableView1Kljuc: TcxGridDBColumn Caption = 'Klju'#269 DataBinding.FieldName = 'Kljuc' Width = 90 end object cxGrid1DBTableView1Poz: TcxGridDBColumn DataBinding.FieldName = 'Poz' Width = 35 end object cxGrid1DBTableView1Subjekt: TcxGridDBColumn DataBinding.FieldName = 'Subjekt' Width = 140 end object cxGrid1DBTableView1VKljuc: TcxGridDBColumn Caption = 'Dokument' DataBinding.FieldName = 'VKljuc' Width = 90 end object cxGrid1DBTableView1KljucStr: TcxGridDBColumn Caption = 'Temeljnica' DataBinding.FieldName = 'KljucStr' Width = 90 end object cxGrid1DBTableView1PozStr: TcxGridDBColumn Caption = 'Poz' DataBinding.FieldName = 'PozStr' Width = 35 end object cxGrid1DBTableView1Status: TcxGridDBColumn DataBinding.FieldName = 'Status' end object cxGrid1DBTableView1VezniDok: TcxGridDBColumn Caption = 'Vezni dokument' DataBinding.FieldName = 'VezniDok' Width = 90 end end object cxGrid1Level1: TcxGridLevel GridView = cxGrid1DBTableView1 end end end end object _evsaver: TEventCom events = 'dlcxButton2.OnClick=DoTdlButton3OnClick'#13#10'dlcxButton1.OnClick=dlc' + 'xButton1Click'#13#10'tbPoz.AfterOpen=tbPozAfterOpen'#13#10 end object tbDataET_KontoStr: TdlDataset Tag = 1 SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from tHE_AcctEvidence order by acAcctFrom') FieldNamesToUpperCase = False AutoCalcFields = False Cached = True LocateInsert = False Editable = True RequestLive = True QueryRecCount = False DetailDelay = 0 LocalMasterDetail = False StrictUpdate = False TrimFixedChar = True TrimVarChar = True AddRowidToSQL = False ORACompatibility = True AutoTransactOnPost = False Left = 275 Top = 3 end object tbDataET_KontoPlac: TdlDataset Tag = 1 SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from tHE_AcctType order by acAcct') FieldNamesToUpperCase = False AutoCalcFields = False Cached = True LocateInsert = False Editable = True RequestLive = True QueryRecCount = False DetailDelay = 0 LocalMasterDetail = False StrictUpdate = False TrimFixedChar = True TrimVarChar = True AddRowidToSQL = False ORACompatibility = True AutoTransactOnPost = False Left = 370 Top = 3 end object DataET_KontoStr: TDataSource Tag = 2 DataSet = tbDataET_KontoStr Left = 305 Top = 3 end object DataET_KontoPlac: TDataSource Tag = 2 DataSet = tbDataET_KontoPlac Left = 399 Top = 3 end object tbPoz: TdlDataset Tag = 1 SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from ##PreKnj order by Kljuc, Poz') FieldNamesToUpperCase = False AutoCalcFields = False Cached = True LocateInsert = False Editable = True RequestLive = True QueryRecCount = False DetailDelay = 0 LocalMasterDetail = False StrictUpdate = False TrimFixedChar = True TrimVarChar = True AddRowidToSQL = False ORACompatibility = True AutoTransactOnPost = False Left = 457 Top = 6 end object Poz: TDataSource Tag = 2 DataSet = tbPoz Left = 488 Top = 6 end end "unit FForm20; interface uses Forms, Controls, StdCtrls, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, dlComponents, cxGrid, db, dlDatabase, Dialogs; type TForm20 = class(TarForm) tbDataET_KontoStr: TdlDataset; tbDataET_KontoPlac: TdlDataset; DataET_KontoStr: TDataSource; DataET_KontoPlac: TDataSource; TdlPanel7: TdlcxPanel; TdlPanel1: TdlcxPanel; TdlLabel2: TdlcxLabel; TdlLabel4: TdlcxLabel; TdlLabel3: TdlcxLabel; fDatumOD: TdlcxLabeledDateEdit; fDatumDO: TdlcxLabeledDateEdit; fPoslDogIzp: TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox; tbLookPoslDogGKDataSource: TDataSource; TdlGroupBox2: TdlcxGroupBox; TdlLabel5: TdlcxLabel; TdlLabel7: TdlcxLabel; TdlLabel6: TdlcxLabel; fDatumKnj: TdlcxLabeledDateEdit; fDatumObd: TdlcxLabeledDateEdit; fPoslDogKnj: TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox; TdlButton2: TdlcxButton; TdlButton3: TdlcxButton; fTip: TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox; fKontoNA: TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox; tbLookKontoDataSource: TDataSource; fKontoPreh: TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox; TdlPanel3: TdlcxPanel; TdlPanel4: TdlcxPanel; TdlipDBGrid2: TcxGrid; TdlipDBGrid2_Level1: TcxGridLevel; TdlipDBGrid2_View1: TcxGridDBTableView; TdlipDBGrid2_View10: TcxGridDBColumn; TdlPanel2: TdlcxPanel; TdlPanel6: TdlcxPanel; TdlipDBGrid3: TcxGrid; TdlipDBGrid3_Level1: TcxGridLevel; TdlipDBGrid3_View1: TcxGridDBTableView; TdlipDBGrid3_View10: TcxGridDBColumn; TSplitter2: TcxSplitter; TdlipDBGrid3_View1KontoIz: TcxGridDBColumn; TdlipDBGrid3_View1KontoNa: TcxGridDBColumn; TdlipDBGrid3_View1KontoPreh: TcxGridDBColumn; TdlipDBGrid2_View1Konto: TcxGridDBColumn; TdlipDBGrid2_View1Tip: TcxGridDBColumn; PageControl: TdlcxPageControl; pNastavitve: TdlcxTabSheet; pKnjizbe: TdlcxTabSheet; dlcxPanel1: TdlcxPanel; dlcxButton1: TdlcxButton; dlcxButton2: TdlcxButton; tbPoz: TdlDataset; Poz: TDataSource; cxGrid1: TcxGrid; cxGrid1DBTableView1: TcxGridDBTableView; cxGrid1Level1: TcxGridLevel; cxGrid1DBTableView1Kljuc: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGrid1DBTableView1Poz: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGrid1DBTableView1Konto: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGrid1DBTableView1Subjekt: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGrid1DBTableView1VezniDok: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGrid1DBTableView1VKljuc: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGrid1DBTableView1KontoIz: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGrid1DBTableView1KontoNa: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGrid1DBTableView1KontoPreh: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGrid1DBTableView1Faktor: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGrid1DBTableView1Znesek: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGrid1DBTableView1Tip: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGrid1DBTableView1KljucStr: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGrid1DBTableView1Status: TcxGridDBColumn; cxGrid1DBTableView1PozStr: TcxGridDBColumn; procedure tbPozAfterOpen(DataSet: TDataSet); procedure dlcxButton1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure DoTdlButton3OnClick(Sender: TObject); procedure DoTdlButton2OnClick(Sender: TObject); private public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; end; var Form20: TForm20; implementation constructor TForm20.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Ares.AssignObjectsToForm('FForm20',Self); tbDataET_KontoStr := FindComponent('tbDataET_KontoStr'); tbDataET_KontoPlac := FindComponent('tbDataET_KontoPlac'); DataET_KontoStr := FindComponent('DataET_KontoStr'); DataET_KontoPlac := FindComponent('DataET_KontoPlac'); TdlPanel7 := FindComponent('TdlPanel7'); TdlPanel1 := FindComponent('TdlPanel1'); TdlLabel2 := FindComponent('TdlLabel2'); TdlLabel4 := FindComponent('TdlLabel4'); TdlLabel3 := FindComponent('TdlLabel3'); fDatumOD := FindComponent('fDatumOD'); fDatumDO := FindComponent('fDatumDO'); fPoslDogIzp := FindComponent('fPoslDogIzp'); tbLookPoslDogGKDataSource := FindComponent('tbLookPoslDogGKDataSource'); TdlGroupBox2 := FindComponent('TdlGroupBox2'); TdlLabel5 := FindComponent('TdlLabel5'); TdlLabel7 := FindComponent('TdlLabel7'); TdlLabel6 := FindComponent('TdlLabel6'); fDatumKnj := FindComponent('fDatumKnj'); fDatumObd := FindComponent('fDatumObd'); fPoslDogKnj := FindComponent('fPoslDogKnj'); TdlButton2 := FindComponent('TdlButton2'); TdlButton3 := FindComponent('TdlButton3'); fTip := FindComponent('fTip'); fKontoNA := FindComponent('fKontoNA'); tbLookKontoDataSource := FindComponent('tbLookKontoDataSource'); fKontoPreh := FindComponent('fKontoPreh'); TdlPanel3 := FindComponent('TdlPanel3'); TdlPanel4 := FindComponent('TdlPanel4'); TdlipDBGrid2 := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid2'); TdlipDBGrid2_Level1 := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid2_Level1'); TdlipDBGrid2_View1 := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid2_View1'); TdlipDBGrid2_View10 := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid2_View10'); TdlPanel2 := FindComponent('TdlPanel2'); TdlPanel6 := FindComponent('TdlPanel6'); TdlipDBGrid3 := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid3'); TdlipDBGrid3_Level1 := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid3_Level1'); TdlipDBGrid3_View1 := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid3_View1'); TdlipDBGrid3_View10 := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid3_View10'); TSplitter2 := FindComponent('TSplitter2'); TdlipDBGrid3_View1KontoIz := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid3_View1KontoIz'); TdlipDBGrid3_View1KontoNa := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid3_View1KontoNa'); TdlipDBGrid3_View1KontoPreh := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid3_View1KontoPreh'); TdlipDBGrid2_View1Konto := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid2_View1Konto'); TdlipDBGrid2_View1Tip := FindComponent('TdlipDBGrid2_View1Tip'); PageControl := FindComponent('PageControl'); pNastavitve := FindComponent('pNastavitve'); pKnjizbe := FindComponent('pKnjizbe'); dlcxPanel1 := FindComponent('dlcxPanel1'); dlcxButton1 := FindComponent('dlcxButton1'); dlcxButton2 := FindComponent('dlcxButton2'); tbPoz := FindComponent('tbPoz'); Poz := FindComponent('Poz'); cxGrid1 := FindComponent('cxGrid1'); cxGrid1DBTableView1 := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1'); cxGrid1Level1 := FindComponent('cxGrid1Level1'); cxGrid1DBTableView1Kljuc := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1Kljuc'); cxGrid1DBTableView1Poz := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1Poz'); cxGrid1DBTableView1Konto := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1Konto'); cxGrid1DBTableView1Subjekt := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1Subjekt'); cxGrid1DBTableView1VezniDok := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1VezniDok'); cxGrid1DBTableView1VKljuc := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1VKljuc'); cxGrid1DBTableView1KontoIz := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1KontoIz'); cxGrid1DBTableView1KontoNa := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1KontoNa'); cxGrid1DBTableView1KontoPreh := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1KontoPreh'); cxGrid1DBTableView1Faktor := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1Faktor'); cxGrid1DBTableView1Znesek := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1Znesek'); cxGrid1DBTableView1Tip := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1Tip'); cxGrid1DBTableView1KljucStr := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1KljucStr'); cxGrid1DBTableView1Status := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1Status'); cxGrid1DBTableView1PozStr := FindComponent('cxGrid1DBTableView1PozStr'); tbPoz.AfterOpen := tbPozAfterOpen; dlcxButton1.OnClick := dlcxButton1Click; dlcxButton2.OnClick := DoTdlButton3OnClick; TdlButton3.OnClick := DoTdlButton3OnClick; TdlButton2.OnClick := DoTdlButton2OnClick; tbDataET_KontoStr.Active := true; tbDataET_KontoPlac.Active := true; fDatumObd.Date := Date; fDatumKnj.Date := Date; fPoslDogKnj.Text := GetStringFromIniFile('GlavnaKnjiga', 'S11_VDTemeljnice', ''); fPoslDogIzp.Text := GetStringFromIniFile('GlavnaKnjiga', 'S11_VDPlacila', ''); end; procedure TForm20.DoTdlButton3OnClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TForm20.DoTdlButton2OnClick(Sender: TObject); begin WriteStringToIniFile('GlavnaKnjiga', 'S11_VDTemeljnice', fPoslDogKnj.Text); WriteStringToIniFile('GlavnaKnjiga', 'S11_VDPlacila', fPoslDogIzp.Text); // MyFullExecuteUnit('000-25;T'); Ares.ExecuteStep(30); tbPoz.Active := True; PageControl.ActivePage := pKnjizbe; end; procedure TForm20.dlcxButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if not isRecordExists('##PreKnj', '') then dlMessageDlg(panResources['cMsg0338'], mtInformation, [mbOK], 0) else MyFullExecuteUnit('000-50;T'); end; procedure TForm20.tbPozAfterOpen(DataSet: TDataSet); begin FormatDecB(DataSet, ['Znesek'], 2); end; end. @//*!*\\W-1;H-1;L-1;T-1;C;X0 //*!*\\Color=-2147483633 //*!*\\PopupMenu= //*$*\\TdlButton2.OnClick=000-25;T //*$*\\TdlButton3.OnClick=000-500;F //*%*\\fPoslDogIzp=AFTT //*%*\\fPoslDogKnj=AFTT //*@*\\ object tbDataET_KontoStr: TwwOEDataSet Tag = 1 hDbc = DataSif.Database hStmt.ConcurrencyType = 4 hStmt.CursorType = 0 hStmt.SkipByPosition = True hStmt.SkipByCursor = True hStmt.Target.Target = ( 'OE5.07' '' '' '' '') SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from ET_KontoStr order by KontoIz') RequestLive = True UniDirectional = True Editable = True Params = <> Cached = True ControlType.Strings = ( 'KontoNa;CustomEdit;fKontoNA;F' 'KontoPreh;CustomEdit;fKontoPreh;F') ValidateWithMask = True DatabaseName = 'Database' end //*@*\\ object tbDataET_KontoPlac: TwwOEDataSet Tag = 1 hDbc = DataSif.Database hStmt.ConcurrencyType = 4 hStmt.CursorType = 0 hStmt.SkipByPosition = True hStmt.SkipByCursor = True hStmt.Target.Target = ( 'OE5.07' '' '' '' '') SQL.Strings = ( 'select * from ET_KontoPlac order by Konto') RequestLive = True UniDirectional = True Editable = True Params = <> Cached = True ControlType.Strings = ( 'Tip;CustomEdit;fTip;F') ValidateWithMask = True DatabaseName = 'Database' end //*@*\\ object DataET_KontoStr: TwwDataSource Tag = 2 DataSet = tbDataET_KontoStr end //*@*\\ object DataET_KontoPlac: TwwDataSource Tag = 2 DataSet = tbDataET_KontoPlac end //*@*\\ object TdlPanel7: TdlPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 1016 Height = 23 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone Color = clTeal Ctl3D = False PanelType = ptNone ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 0 end //*@*\\ object TdlPanel2: TdlPanel Left = 0 Top = 23 Width = 242 Height = 568 Align = alLeft BevelOuter = bvNone Ctl3D = False PanelType = ptNone ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 1 end //*@*\\TdlPanel2 object TdlLabel2: TdlLabel Left = 84 Top = 176 Width = 53 Height = 13 Alignment = taRightJustify Caption = 'Datum OD:' end //*@*\\TdlPanel2 object TdlLabel4: TdlLabel Left = 15 Top = 238 Width = 122 Height = 13 Alignment = taRightJustify Caption = 'Vrsta dokumenta - pla'#269'ila:' end //*@*\\TdlPanel2 object TdlLabel3: TdlLabel Left = 84 Top = 200 Width = 53 Height = 13 Alignment = taRightJustify Caption = 'Datum DO:' end //*@*\\TdlPanel2 object fDatumOD: TdlipDBDateTimePicker Left = 144 Top = 168 Width = 89 Height = 19 BorderStyle = bsNone CalendarAttributes.Font.Charset = 1 CalendarAttributes.Font.Color = clWindowText CalendarAttributes.Font.Height = -11 CalendarAttributes.Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' CalendarAttributes.Font.Style = [] ButtonStyle = cbsCustom Epoch = 1950 ButtonEffects.Flat = True Frame.Enabled = True Frame.NonFocusBorders = [efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder] ShowButton = True TabOrder = 0 EditLabel.Width = 3 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.FocusControl = Owner EditLabel.Transparent = True FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] LabelPosition = lpLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True end //*@*\\TdlPanel2 object fDatumDO: TdlipDBDateTimePicker Left = 144 Top = 192 Width = 88 Height = 19 BorderStyle = bsNone CalendarAttributes.Font.Charset = 1 CalendarAttributes.Font.Color = clWindowText CalendarAttributes.Font.Height = -11 CalendarAttributes.Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' CalendarAttributes.Font.Style = [] ButtonStyle = cbsCustom Epoch = 1950 ButtonEffects.Flat = True Frame.Enabled = True Frame.NonFocusBorders = [efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder] ShowButton = True TabOrder = 1 EditLabel.Width = 3 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.FocusControl = Owner EditLabel.Transparent = True FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] LabelPosition = lpLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True end //*@*\\TdlPanel2 object fPoslDogIzp: TdlipDBLookupCombo Left = 144 Top = 232 Width = 50 Height = 19 Hint = 'Izberi vrsto dokumenta za pla'#269'ila.' Ctl3D = False BorderStyle = bsNone DropDownAlignment = taLeftJustify Selected.Strings = ( 'PoslDog'#9'4'#9'VD'#9'F' 'Naziv'#9'40'#9'Naziv'#9'F') LookupTable = DataSif.tbLookPoslDogGK LookupField = 'PoslDog' Options = [loColLines, loRowLines, loTitles] ButtonStyle = cbsCustom ButtonEffects.Flat = True Frame.Enabled = True Frame.NonFocusBorders = [efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder] ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 2 AutoDropDown = False ShowButton = True UseTFields = False AllowClearKey = True EditLabel.Width = 3 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.FocusControl = Owner EditLabel.Transparent = True FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] LabelPosition = lpLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True end //*@*\\TdlPanel2 object TdlGroupBox2: TdlGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 225 Height = 108 Caption = 'Kreiranje temeljnice:' Ctl3D = False PanelType = ptNone ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 3 end //*@*\\TdlGroupBox2 object TdlLabel5: TdlLabel Left = 22 Top = 24 Width = 75 Height = 13 Alignment = taRightJustify Caption = 'Datum obdobja:' end //*@*\\TdlGroupBox2 object TdlLabel7: TdlLabel Left = 14 Top = 78 Width = 83 Height = 13 Alignment = taRightJustify Caption = 'Vrsta dokumenta:' end //*@*\\TdlGroupBox2 object TdlLabel6: TdlLabel Left = 19 Top = 48 Width = 78 Height = 13 Alignment = taRightJustify Caption = 'Datum knji'#382'enja:' end //*@*\\TdlGroupBox2 object fDatumKnj: TdlipDBDateTimePicker Left = 104 Top = 43 Width = 89 Height = 19 TabStop = False BorderStyle = bsNone CalendarAttributes.Font.Charset = 1 CalendarAttributes.Font.Color = clWindowText CalendarAttributes.Font.Height = -11 CalendarAttributes.Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' CalendarAttributes.Font.Style = [] ButtonStyle = cbsCustom Epoch = 1950 ButtonEffects.Flat = True Frame.Enabled = True Frame.NonFocusBorders = [efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder] ShowButton = True TabOrder = 0 EditLabel.Width = 3 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.FocusControl = Owner EditLabel.Transparent = True FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] LabelPosition = lpLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True end //*@*\\TdlGroupBox2 object fDatumObd: TdlipDBDateTimePicker Left = 104 Top = 19 Width = 89 Height = 19 TabStop = False BorderStyle = bsNone CalendarAttributes.Font.Charset = 1 CalendarAttributes.Font.Color = clWindowText CalendarAttributes.Font.Height = -11 CalendarAttributes.Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' CalendarAttributes.Font.Style = [] ButtonStyle = cbsCustom Epoch = 1950 ButtonEffects.Flat = True Frame.Enabled = True Frame.NonFocusBorders = [efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder] ShowButton = True TabOrder = 1 EditLabel.Width = 3 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.FocusControl = Owner EditLabel.Transparent = True FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] LabelPosition = lpLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True end //*@*\\TdlGroupBox2 object fPoslDogKnj: TdlipDBLookupCombo Left = 104 Top = 74 Width = 50 Height = 19 Hint = 'Izberi vrsto dokumenta temeljnice.' TabStop = False Ctl3D = False BorderStyle = bsNone DropDownAlignment = taLeftJustify Selected.Strings = ( 'PoslDog'#9'4'#9'VD'#9'F' 'Naziv'#9'40'#9'Naziv'#9'F') LookupTable = DataSif.tbLookPoslDogGK LookupField = 'PoslDog' Options = [loColLines, loRowLines, loTitles] ButtonStyle = cbsCustom ButtonEffects.Flat = True Frame.Enabled = True Frame.NonFocusBorders = [efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder] ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 2 AutoDropDown = False ShowButton = True UseTFields = False AllowClearKey = True EditLabel.Width = 3 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.FocusControl = Owner EditLabel.Transparent = True FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] LabelPosition = lpLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True end //*@*\\TdlPanel2 object TdlButton2: TdlButton Left = 24 Top = 288 Width = 80 Height = 22 Caption = 'Zberi podatke' TabOrder = 4 ColorMouseOver = 14608367 FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] DisabledFont.Charset = 1 DisabledFont.Color = clWindowText DisabledFont.Height = -11 DisabledFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' DisabledFont.Style = [] end //*@*\\TdlPanel2 object TdlButton3: TdlButton Left = 152 Top = 288 Width = 80 Height = 22 Caption = 'Konec' TabOrder = 5 ColorMouseOver = 14608367 FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] DisabledFont.Charset = 1 DisabledFont.Color = clWindowText DisabledFont.Height = -11 DisabledFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' DisabledFont.Style = [] end //*@*\\TdlPanel2 object fTip: TdlipDBComboBox Left = 8 Top = 128 Width = 26 Height = 19 ShowButton = True Style = csDropDown MapList = True AllowClearKey = True AutoDropDown = True BorderStyle = bsNone ButtonStyle = cbsCustom Ctl3D = False DataField = 'Tip' DataSource = DataET_KontoPlac DropDownCount = 8 ButtonEffects.Flat = True Frame.Enabled = True Frame.NonFocusBorders = [efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder] HistoryList.FileName = 'Pantheon.ini' ItemHeight = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'D-Dobavitelj'#9'D' 'K-Kupec'#9'K') ItemIndex = 1 ParentCtl3D = False Sorted = False TabOrder = 6 UnboundDataType = wwDefault EditLabel.Width = 3 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.FocusControl = Owner EditLabel.Transparent = True FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] LabelPosition = lpLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True end //*@*\\TdlPanel2 object fKontoNA: TdlipDBLookupCombo Left = 8 Top = 152 Width = 42 Height = 19 Ctl3D = False BorderStyle = bsNone DropDownAlignment = taLeftJustify Selected.Strings = ( 'Konto'#9'10'#9'Konto'#9'F' 'Naziv'#9'30'#9'Naziv'#9'F') DataField = 'KontoNa' DataSource = DataET_KontoStr LookupTable = DataSif.tbLookKonto LookupField = 'Konto' Options = [loColLines, loRowLines, loTitles] Style = csDropDownList ButtonStyle = cbsCustom ButtonEffects.Flat = True Frame.Enabled = True Frame.NonFocusBorders = [efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder] ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 7 AutoDropDown = True ShowButton = True UseTFields = False AllowClearKey = True EditLabel.Width = 3 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.FocusControl = Owner EditLabel.Transparent = True FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] LabelPosition = lpLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True end //*@*\\TdlPanel2 object fKontoPreh: TdlipDBLookupCombo Left = 8 Top = 176 Width = 42 Height = 19 Ctl3D = False BorderStyle = bsNone DropDownAlignment = taLeftJustify Selected.Strings = ( 'Konto'#9'10'#9'Konto'#9'F' 'Naziv'#9'30'#9'Naziv'#9'F') DataField = 'KontoPreh' DataSource = DataET_KontoStr LookupTable = DataSif.tbLookKonto LookupField = 'Konto' Options = [loColLines, loRowLines, loTitles] Style = csDropDownList ButtonStyle = cbsCustom ButtonEffects.Flat = True Frame.Enabled = True Frame.NonFocusBorders = [efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder] ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 8 AutoDropDown = True ShowButton = True UseTFields = False AllowClearKey = True EditLabel.Width = 3 EditLabel.Height = 13 EditLabel.FocusControl = Owner EditLabel.Transparent = True FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] LabelPosition = lpLeft LabelSpacing = 3 LabelVisible = True end //*@*\\ object TdlPanel3: TdlPanel Left = 544 Top = 23 Width = 472 Height = 568 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone Ctl3D = False PanelType = ptNone ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 2 end //*@*\\TdlPanel3 object TdlPanel4: TdlPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 470 Height = 24 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'Konti terjatev/obveznosti' Ctl3D = False PanelType = ptNone ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 0 end //*@*\\TdlPanel3 object TdlipDBGrid2: TdlipDBGrid Left = 0 Top = 24 Width = 470 Height = 542 Selected.Strings = ( 'Konto'#9'14'#9'Konto'#9'F' 'Tip'#9'13'#9'Tip'#9'F') MemoAttributes = [mSizeable, mWordWrap, mGridShow] IniAttributes.FileName = 'Pantheon.ini' IniAttributes.SectionName = 'TdlipDBGrid2' IniAttributes.Delimiter = ';;' ExportOptions.FileName = 'Pantheon.txt' TitleColor = clBtnFace FixedCols = 0 ShowHorzScrollBar = True Align = alClient Ctl3D = False DataSource = DataET_KontoPlac KeyOptions = [dgEnterToTab, dgAllowDelete, dgAllowInsert] ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 1 TitleAlignment = taLeftJustify TitleFont.Charset = 1 TitleFont.Color = clBlack TitleFont.Height = -11 TitleFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' TitleFont.Style = [] TitleLines = 1 TitleButtons = False UseTFields = False FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] end //*@*\\ object TdlPanel5: TdlPanel Left = 242 Top = 23 Width = 300 Height = 568 Align = alLeft BevelOuter = bvNone Ctl3D = False PanelType = ptNone ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 3 end //*@*\\TdlPanel5 object TdlPanel6: TdlPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 298 Height = 24 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'Eviden'#269'ni konti' Ctl3D = False PanelType = ptNone ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 0 end //*@*\\TdlPanel5 object TdlipDBGrid3: TdlipDBGrid Left = 0 Top = 24 Width = 298 Height = 542 Selected.Strings = ( 'KontoIz'#9'14'#9'Konto IZ'#9'F' 'KontoNa'#9'14'#9'Konto NA'#9'F' 'KontoPreh'#9'14'#9'Prehodni konto'#9'F') MemoAttributes = [mSizeable, mWordWrap, mGridShow] IniAttributes.FileName = 'Pantheon.ini' IniAttributes.SectionName = 'TdlipDBGrid3' IniAttributes.Delimiter = ';;' ExportOptions.FileName = 'Pantheon.txt' TitleColor = clBtnFace FixedCols = 0 ShowHorzScrollBar = True Align = alClient Ctl3D = False DataSource = DataET_KontoStr KeyOptions = [dgEnterToTab, dgAllowDelete, dgAllowInsert] ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 1 TitleAlignment = taLeftJustify TitleFont.Charset = 1 TitleFont.Color = clBlack TitleFont.Height = -11 TitleFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' TitleFont.Style = [] TitleLines = 1 TitleButtons = False UseTFields = False FocusFont.Charset = 1 FocusFont.Color = clWindowText FocusFont.Height = -11 FocusFont.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' FocusFont.Style = [] end //*@*\\ object TSplitter2: TSplitter Left = 542 Top = 23 Width = 2 Height = 568 Cursor = crHSplit Color = clSkyBlue ParentColor = False end =AUnknown subproperty: hStmt.Target.Target=( 'OE5.07' '' '' '' ''), object: tbDataET_KontoStr/TdlDataset Unknown subproperty: ControlType.Strings=( 'KontoNa;CustomEdit;fKontoNA;F' 'KontoPreh;CustomEdit;fKontoPreh;F'), object: tbDataET_KontoStr/TdlDataset Unknown property: ValidateWithMask=True, object: tbDataET_KontoStr/TdlDataset Unknown property: DatabaseName=Database, object: tbDataET_KontoStr/TdlDataset Unknown subproperty: hStmt.Target.Target=( 'OE5.07' '' '' '' ''), object: tbDataET_KontoPlac/TdlDataset Unknown subproperty: ControlType.Strings=( 'Tip;CustomEdit;fTip;F'), object: tbDataET_KontoPlac/TdlDataset Unknown property: ValidateWithMask=True, object: tbDataET_KontoPlac/TdlDataset Unknown property: DatabaseName=Database, object: tbDataET_KontoPlac/TdlDataset Unknown property: Alignment=taRightJustify, object: TdlLabel2/TdlcxLabel Unknown property: Alignment=taRightJustify, object: TdlLabel4/TdlcxLabel Unknown property: Alignment=taRightJustify, object: TdlLabel3/TdlcxLabel Unknown property: BorderStyle=bsNone, object: fDatumOD/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Charset=1, object: fDatumOD/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Color=clWindowText, object: fDatumOD/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Height=-11, object: fDatumOD/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: fDatumOD/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Style=[], object: fDatumOD/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: ButtonStyle=cbsCustom, object: fDatumOD/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: Epoch=1950, object: fDatumOD/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: ButtonEffects.Flat=True, object: fDatumOD/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: Frame.Enabled=True, object: fDatumOD/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: Frame.NonFocusBorders=[efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder], object: fDatumOD/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: ShowButton=True, object: fDatumOD/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: BorderStyle=bsNone, object: fDatumDO/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Charset=1, object: fDatumDO/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Color=clWindowText, object: fDatumDO/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Height=-11, object: fDatumDO/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: fDatumDO/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Style=[], object: fDatumDO/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: ButtonStyle=cbsCustom, object: fDatumDO/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: Epoch=1950, object: fDatumDO/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: ButtonEffects.Flat=True, object: fDatumDO/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: Frame.Enabled=True, object: fDatumDO/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: Frame.NonFocusBorders=[efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder], object: fDatumDO/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: ShowButton=True, object: fDatumDO/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: BorderStyle=bsNone, object: fPoslDogIzp/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown property: DropDownAlignment=taLeftJustify, object: fPoslDogIzp/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown property: Options=[loColLines, loRowLines, loTitles], object: fPoslDogIzp/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown property: ButtonStyle=cbsCustom, object: fPoslDogIzp/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: ButtonEffects.Flat=True, object: fPoslDogIzp/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: Frame.Enabled=True, object: fPoslDogIzp/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: Frame.NonFocusBorders=[efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder], object: fPoslDogIzp/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown property: AutoDropDown=False, object: fPoslDogIzp/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown property: ShowButton=True, object: fPoslDogIzp/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown property: UseTFields=False, object: fPoslDogIzp/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown property: AllowClearKey=True, object: fPoslDogIzp/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown property: Alignment=taRightJustify, object: TdlLabel5/TdlcxLabel Unknown property: Alignment=taRightJustify, object: TdlLabel7/TdlcxLabel Unknown property: Alignment=taRightJustify, object: TdlLabel6/TdlcxLabel Unknown property: BorderStyle=bsNone, object: fDatumKnj/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Charset=1, object: fDatumKnj/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Color=clWindowText, object: fDatumKnj/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Height=-11, object: fDatumKnj/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: fDatumKnj/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Style=[], object: fDatumKnj/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: ButtonStyle=cbsCustom, object: fDatumKnj/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: Epoch=1950, object: fDatumKnj/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: ButtonEffects.Flat=True, object: fDatumKnj/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: Frame.Enabled=True, object: fDatumKnj/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: Frame.NonFocusBorders=[efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder], object: fDatumKnj/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: ShowButton=True, object: fDatumKnj/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: BorderStyle=bsNone, object: fDatumObd/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Charset=1, object: fDatumObd/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Color=clWindowText, object: fDatumObd/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Height=-11, object: fDatumObd/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: fDatumObd/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: CalendarAttributes.Font.Style=[], object: fDatumObd/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: ButtonStyle=cbsCustom, object: fDatumObd/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: Epoch=1950, object: fDatumObd/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: ButtonEffects.Flat=True, object: fDatumObd/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: Frame.Enabled=True, object: fDatumObd/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown subproperty: Frame.NonFocusBorders=[efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder], object: fDatumObd/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: ShowButton=True, object: fDatumObd/TdlcxLabeledDateEdit Unknown property: BorderStyle=bsNone, object: fPoslDogKnj/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown property: DropDownAlignment=taLeftJustify, object: fPoslDogKnj/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown property: Options=[loColLines, loRowLines, loTitles], object: fPoslDogKnj/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown property: ButtonStyle=cbsCustom, object: fPoslDogKnj/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: ButtonEffects.Flat=True, object: fPoslDogKnj/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: Frame.Enabled=True, object: fPoslDogKnj/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: Frame.NonFocusBorders=[efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder], object: fPoslDogKnj/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown property: AutoDropDown=False, object: fPoslDogKnj/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown property: ShowButton=True, object: fPoslDogKnj/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown property: UseTFields=False, object: fPoslDogKnj/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown property: AllowClearKey=True, object: fPoslDogKnj/TdlcxLabeledLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Charset=1, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Color=clWindowText, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Height=-11, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Style=[], object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Charset=1, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Color=clWindowText, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Height=-11, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Style=[], object: TdlButton2/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Charset=1, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Color=clWindowText, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Height=-11, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Style=[], object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Charset=1, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Color=clWindowText, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Height=-11, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown subproperty: StyleDisabled.Font.Style=[], object: TdlButton3/TdlcxButton Unknown property: ShowButton=True, object: fTip/TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox Unknown property: MapList=True, object: fTip/TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox Unknown property: AllowClearKey=True, object: fTip/TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox Unknown property: AutoDropDown=True, object: fTip/TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox Unknown property: BorderStyle=bsNone, object: fTip/TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox Unknown property: ButtonStyle=cbsCustom, object: fTip/TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox Unknown property: DropDownCount=8, object: fTip/TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox Unknown subproperty: ButtonEffects.Flat=True, object: fTip/TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox Unknown subproperty: Frame.Enabled=True, object: fTip/TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox Unknown subproperty: Frame.NonFocusBorders=[efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder], object: fTip/TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox Unknown subproperty: HistoryList.FileName=Pantheon.ini, object: fTip/TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox Unknown property: ItemHeight=0, object: fTip/TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox Unknown property: Sorted=False, object: fTip/TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox Unknown property: UnboundDataType=wwDefault, object: fTip/TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox Unknown property: ItemIndex=1, object: fTip/TdlcxLabeledDBComboBox Unknown property: BorderStyle=bsNone, object: fKontoNA/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: DropDownAlignment=taLeftJustify, object: fKontoNA/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: Options=[loColLines, loRowLines, loTitles], object: fKontoNA/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: ButtonStyle=cbsCustom, object: fKontoNA/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: ButtonEffects.Flat=True, object: fKontoNA/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: Frame.Enabled=True, object: fKontoNA/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: Frame.NonFocusBorders=[efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder], object: fKontoNA/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: AutoDropDown=True, object: fKontoNA/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: ShowButton=True, object: fKontoNA/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: UseTFields=False, object: fKontoNA/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: AllowClearKey=True, object: fKontoNA/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: BorderStyle=bsNone, object: fKontoPreh/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: DropDownAlignment=taLeftJustify, object: fKontoPreh/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: Options=[loColLines, loRowLines, loTitles], object: fKontoPreh/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: ButtonStyle=cbsCustom, object: fKontoPreh/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: ButtonEffects.Flat=True, object: fKontoPreh/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: Frame.Enabled=True, object: fKontoPreh/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown subproperty: Frame.NonFocusBorders=[efLeftBorder, efTopBorder, efRightBorder, efBottomBorder], object: fKontoPreh/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: AutoDropDown=True, object: fKontoPreh/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: ShowButton=True, object: fKontoPreh/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: UseTFields=False, object: fKontoPreh/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Unknown property: AllowClearKey=True, object: fKontoPreh/TdlcxLabeledDBLookupComboBox Napaen property: Selected.Strings vrednost: ( 'Konto9149Konto9F' 'Tip9139Tip9F') Unknown property: MemoAttributes=[mSizeable, mWordWrap, mGridShow], object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: IniAttributes.FileName=Pantheon.ini, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: IniAttributes.SectionName=TdlipDBGrid2, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: IniAttributes.Delimiter=;;, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: ExportOptions.FileName=Pantheon.txt, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: TitleColor=clBtnFace, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: FixedCols=0, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: ShowHorzScrollBar=True, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: KeyOptions=[dgEnterToTab, dgAllowDelete, dgAllowInsert], object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: TitleAlignment=taLeftJustify, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: TitleFont.Charset=1, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: TitleFont.Color=clBlack, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: TitleFont.Height=-11, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: TitleFont.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: TitleFont.Style=[], object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: TitleLines=1, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: TitleButtons=False, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown property: UseTFields=False, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Charset=1, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Color=clWindowText, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Height=-11, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Style=[], object: TdlipDBGrid2/TcxGrid Napaen property: Selected.Strings vrednost: ( 'KontoIz9149Konto IZ9F' 'KontoNa9149Konto NA9F' 'KontoPreh9149Prehodni konto9F') Unknown property: MemoAttributes=[mSizeable, mWordWrap, mGridShow], object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: IniAttributes.FileName=Pantheon.ini, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: IniAttributes.SectionName=TdlipDBGrid3, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: IniAttributes.Delimiter=;;, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: ExportOptions.FileName=Pantheon.txt, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown property: TitleColor=clBtnFace, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown property: FixedCols=0, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown property: ShowHorzScrollBar=True, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown property: KeyOptions=[dgEnterToTab, dgAllowDelete, dgAllowInsert], object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown property: TitleAlignment=taLeftJustify, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: TitleFont.Charset=1, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: TitleFont.Color=clBlack, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: TitleFont.Height=-11, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: TitleFont.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: TitleFont.Style=[], object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown property: TitleLines=1, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown property: TitleButtons=False, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown property: UseTFields=False, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Charset=1, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Color=clWindowText, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Height=-11, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Name=MS Sans Serif, object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid Unknown subproperty: StyleFocused.Font.Style=[], object: TdlipDBGrid3/TcxGrid S000011GIKontrola prim.valuteTEAENFTB_yB windows-1250F~J~ if dbo.fHE_GetPrimCurrency('#fDatumObd#') <> dbo.fHE_GetPrimCurrency('#fDatumOd#') or dbo.fHE_GetPrimCurrency('#fDatumObd#') <> dbo.fHE_GetPrimCurrency('#fDatumDo#') ^0000000-90^ ~J~ S000011GIPriprava podatkovTEAENF#B_yB windows-125030F]&set nocount on declare @cKonto VarChar(13), @cKontoIz VarChar(13), @cKontoNa VarChar(13), @cKontoPreh VarChar(13), @cTip Char(1), @cPoslDogIzp Char(4), @dDatumOD DateTime, @dDatumDO DateTime, @cpKljuc Char(13), @npPoz Int, @cpKonto VarChar(13), @cpSubjekt Char(30), @cpVezniDok varChar(35), @npDebet Money, @npKredit Money, @nPlacilo Money, @nPlacilaAll Money, @nTerjatev Money, @nStrosek Money, @ctVKljuc Char(13), @ntDebet Money, @ntKredit Money, @csKljuc Char(13), @nsPoz Int, @csKonto VarChar(13), @nsDebet Money, @nsKredit Money, @nFaktor Float, @cStatus Char(10), @cPrimVal Char(3), @cpOddelek Char(30), @cpStrn Char(16), @cZapPoOddStrn Char(1), @dDatPrveOtv datetime, @cVDZak char(4), @cVDOtv char(4) declare @tbTemePoz table (acPrimCurrency Char(3) null, acKey Char(13) null, anNo Int null, acAcct VarChar(13) null, acSubject Char(30) null, acLinkDoc VarChar(35) null, anDebit Money null, anCredit Money null, acDept Char(30) null, acCostDrv Char(30) null, acLnkKey Char(13) null) set @dDatumOD = '#fDatumOD#' set @dDatumDO = '#fDatumDO#' set @cPoslDogIzp = dbo.fPA_DocTypeRet2('#fPoslDogIzp#') set @cPrimVal = dbo.fHE_GetPrimCurrency('#fDatumObd#') set @cZapPoOddStrn = (select top 1 acGLCloseOnDeptCostDrv from vPA_SysParam) select @dDatPrveOtv = dbo.fHE_FindDateOpening(@cPrimVal) select @cVDZak = acGLDocTypeClose, @cVDOtv = acGLDocTypeOpen from tPA_SysParam truncate table ##PreKnj --varovalka za datume if @dDatumOD is null or @dDatumOD <= '1900/01/01' set @dDatumOD = (select Min(adDate) from vHE_AcctTrans where acDocType = @cPoslDogIzp and acPrimCurrency = @cPrimVal) if @dDatumDO is null or @dDatumDO <= '1900/01/01' set @dDatumDO = (select Max(adDate) from vHE_AcctTrans where acDocType = @cPoslDogIzp and acPrimCurrency = @cPrimVal) declare crKonto cursor local fast_forward for select RTrim(acAcct), acType from tHE_AcctType where acType in ('D', 'K') open crKonto fetch next from crKonto into @cKonto, @cTip while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) begin declare crPlac cursor local fast_forward for select P.acKey, P.anNo, P.acAcct, P.acSubject, P.acLinkDoc, P.anDebit, P.anCredit, P.acDept, P.acCostDrv from vHE_AcctTrans G JOIN tHE_AcctTransItem P ON G.acKey = P.acKey where G.acDocType = @cPoslDogIzp and P.acAcct like @cKonto and G.adDate >= @dDatumOD and G.adDate <= @dDatumDO and G.acDocType <> @cVDZak and (G.acDocType <> @cVDOtv or G.adDate = @dDatPrveOtv) and (P.anDebit > 0 or P.anCredit > 0) and G.acPrimCurrency = @cPrimVal and not P.acKey in (select V.acKey from tHE_LinkAcctTransItem2x V where V.acKey = P.acKey and V.anNo = P.anNo and V.acType = 'EZ') open crPlac fetch next from crPlac into @cpKljuc, @npPoz, @cpKonto, @cpSubjekt, @cpVezniDok, @npDebet, @npKredit, @cpOddelek, @cpStrn while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) begin if @cZapPoOddStrn <> 'T' begin set @cpOddelek = '' set @cpStrn = '' end delete from @tbTemePoz insert into @tbTemePoz(acPrimCurrency, acKey, anNo, acAcct, acSubject, acLinkDoc, anDebit, anCredit, acDept, acCostDrv, acLnkKey) select G.acPrimCurrency, P.acKey, P.anNo, P.acAcct, P.acSubject, P.acLinkDoc, P.anDebit, P.anCredit, (case @cZapPoOddStrn when 'T' then P.acDept else '' end), (case @cZapPoOddStrn when 'T' then P.acCostDrv else '' end), P.acLnkKey from vHE_AcctTrans G join tHE_AcctTransItem P on G.acKey = P.acKey where P.acSubject = @cpSubjekt and P.acLinkDoc = @cpVezniDok and G.acPrimCurrency = @cPrimVal and G.acDocType <> @cVDZak and (G.acDocType <> @cVDOtv or G.adDate = @dDatPrveOtv) and (case @cZapPoOddStrn when 'T' then P.acDept else @cpOddelek end) = @cpOddelek and (case @cZapPoOddStrn when 'T' then P.acCostDrv else @cpStrn end) = @cpStrn order by P.acSubject, P.acLinkDoc, P.acDept, P.acCostDrv if @cTip = 'D' begin set @nPlacilo = @npDebet set @nPlacilaAll = (select Sum(P.anDebit) from @tbTemePoz P where P.acPrimCurrency = @cPrimVal and P.acSubject = @cpSubjekt and P.acAcct = @cpKonto and P.acLinkDoc = @cpVezniDok and P.acDept = @cpOddelek and P.acCostDrv = @cpStrn) set @nTerjatev = (select Sum(P.anCredit) from @tbTemePoz P where P.acPrimCurrency = @cPrimVal and P.acSubject = @cpSubjekt and P.acAcct = @cpKonto and P.acLinkDoc = @cpVezniDok and P.acDept = @cpOddelek and P.acCostDrv = @cpStrn and P.acLnkKey in (select acKey from tHE_Move)) end else --@cTip = 'K' begin set @nPlacilo = @npKredit set @nPlacilaAll = (select Sum(P.anCredit) from @tbTemePoz P where P.acPrimCurrency = @cPrimVal and P.acSubject = @cpSubjekt and P.acAcct = @cpKonto and P.acLinkDoc = @cpVezniDok and P.acDept = @cpOddelek and P.acCostDrv = @cpStrn) set @nTerjatev = (select Sum(P.anDebit) from @tbTemePoz P where P.acPrimCurrency = @cPrimVal and P.acSubject = @cpSubjekt and P.acAcct = @cpKonto and P.acLinkDoc = @cpVezniDok and P.acDept = @cpOddelek and P.acCostDrv = @cpStrn and P.acLnkKey in (select acKey from tHE_Move)) end if @nPlacilaAll > 0 and @nTerjatev > 0 and @nPlacilo > 0 begin set @cStatus = 'OK' set @nFaktor = Cast(@nPlacilo as Float) / Cast(@nTerjatev as Float) if @nPlacilaAll > @nTerjatev begin set @nFaktor = 0 set @cStatus = 'Preplailo' end if @nFaktor > 1 set @nFaktor = 1 declare crTer cursor local fast_forward for select distinct P.acLnkKey from @tbTemePoz P where P.acPrimCurrency = @cPrimVal and P.acSubject = @cpSubjekt and P.acAcct = @cpKonto and P.acLinkDoc = @cpVezniDok and p.acLnkKey in (select acKey from tHE_Move) open crTer fetch next from crTer into @ctVKljuc while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) begin declare crKontoIz cursor local fast_forward for select RTrim(acAcctFrom), acAcctTo, acAcctTrans from tHE_AcctEvidence open crKontoIz fetch next from crKontoIz into @cKontoIz, @cKontoNa, @cKontoPreh while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) begin declare crStr cursor local fast_forward for select P.acKey, P.anNo, P.acAcct, P.anDebit, P.anCredit from @tbTemePoz P where P.acPrimCurrency = @cPrimVal and P.acDept = @cpOddelek and P.acCostDrv = @cpStrn and P.acLnkKey = @ctVKljuc and P.acAcct like @cKontoIz open crStr fetch next from crStr into @csKljuc, @nsPoz, @csKonto, @nsDebet, @nsKredit while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) begin if @cTip = 'D' set @nStrosek = Round(@nsDebet * @nFaktor, 2) else --@cTip = 'K' set @nStrosek = Round(@nsKredit * @nFaktor, 2) insert into ##PreKnj (Kljuc, Poz, Konto, Subjekt, VezniDok, VKljuc, KontoIz, KontoNa, Faktor, Znesek, Tip, KljucStr, PozStr, Status, KontoPreh) values (@cpKljuc, @npPoz, @cpKonto, @cpSubjekt, @cpVezniDok, @ctVKljuc, @csKonto, @cKontoNa, @nFaktor, @nStrosek, @cTip, @csKljuc, @nsPoz, @cStatus, @cKontoPreh) fetch next from crStr into @csKljuc, @nsPoz, @csKonto, @nsDebet, @nsKredit end close crStr deallocate crStr fetch next from crKontoIz into @cKontoIz, @cKontoNa, @cKontoPreh end close crKontoIz deallocate crKontoIz fetch next from crTer into @ctVKljuc end close crTer deallocate crTer end fetch next from crPlac into @cpKljuc, @npPoz, @cpKonto, @cpSubjekt, @cpVezniDok, @npDebet, @npKredit, @cpOddelek, @cpStrn end close crPlac deallocate crPlac fetch next from crKonto into @cKonto, @cTip end close crKonto deallocate crKonto S0000112GI KnjienjeTEAENFEB_yB windows-125050Fset nocount on declare @cpKljuc Char(13), @npPoz SmallInt, @npZnesek Money, @cpTip Char(1), @cpKljucStr Char(13), @npPozStr SmallInt, @cKontoIz VarChar(13), @cKontoNa VarChar(13), @cKontoPreh VarChar(13), @cKljuc Char(13), @nPoz SmallInt, @nDebet Money, @nKredit Money, @cPrimVal Char(3), @cPoslDog Char(4) set @cPrimVal = dbo.fHE_GetPrimCurrency('#fDatumObd#') set @cPoslDog = dbo.fPA_DocTypeRet2('#fPoslDogKnj#') if not Object_ID('tempdb..#TemePoz') is null drop table #TemePoz if not Object_ID('tempdb..##Kljuc') is null drop table ##Kljuc create table ##Kljuc (Kljuc Char(13) null) if exists (select Kljuc from ##PreKnj where Znesek <> 0) begin exec dbo.pHE_AcctTransGetNewKey @cPoslDog, '#fDatumObd#', @cKljuc output begin transaction insert into tHE_AcctTrans (acKey, acDocType, adDate, adDateOfEntry, anUserIns, anUserChg) values (@cKljuc, @cPoslDog, '#fDatumObd#', '#fDatumKnj#', '~U~', '~U~') delete from tHE_AcctTransItem where acKey = @cKljuc set @nPoz = 1 select * into #TemePoz from tHE_AcctTransItem where 1=2 -- acKey = '00000000000' and anNo = -1 declare crKnj cursor local fast_forward for select Kljuc, Poz, Znesek, Tip, KljucStr, PozStr, KontoIz, KontoNa, KontoPreh from ##PreKnj where Znesek <> 0 order by Kljuc, Poz open crKnj fetch next from crKnj into @cpKljuc, @npPoz, @npZnesek, @cpTip, @cpKljucStr, @npPozStr, @cKontoIz, @cKontoNa, @cKontoPreh while (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) begin truncate table #TemePoz insert into #TemePoz select * from tHE_AcctTransItem where acKey = @cpKljucStr and anNo = @npPozStr set @nDebet = 0 set @nKredit = 0 if @cpTip = 'D' set @nDebet = @npZnesek else set @nKredit = @npZnesek update #TemePoz set acKey = @cKljuc, anNo = @nPoz, acAcct = @cKontoPreh, acContraAcct= @cKontoNa, anDebit = @nKredit, anCredit = @nDebet, anValDebit = @nKredit, anValCredit = @nDebet, acCurrency = @cPrimVal insert into tHE_AcctTransItem select acKey, anNo, acAcct, acSubject, anDebit, anCredit, acDoc, adDateDoc, acLinkDoc, adDateDue, acLnkKey, acCurrency, anFXRate, anValDebit, anValCredit, acDept, acNote, acVATPayed, acContraAcct, acForeignDoc, adDateVAT, adTimeIns, anUserIns, adTimeChg, anUserChg, acCostDrv, anOrgNo, Null from #TemePoz insert into tHE_LinkAcctTransItem2x (acKey, anNo, acLnkKey, anLnkNo, acType, anUserIns, anUserChg) values (@cpKljuc, @npPoz, @cKljuc, @nPoz, 'EZ', '~U~', '~U~') set @nPoz = @nPoz + 1 update #TemePoz set anNo = @nPoz, acAcct = @cKontoNa, acContraAcct = @cKontoIz, anDebit = @nDebet, anCredit = @nKredit, anValDebit = @nDebet, anValCredit = @nKredit insert into tHE_AcctTransItem select acKey, anNo, acAcct, acSubject, anDebit, anCredit, acDoc, adDateDoc, acLinkDoc, adDateDue, acLnkKey, acCurrency, anFXRate, anValDebit, anValCredit, acDept, acNote, acVATPayed, acContraAcct, acForeignDoc, adDateVAT, adTimeIns, anUserIns, adTimeChg, anUserChg, acCostDrv, anOrgNo, Null from #TemePoz insert into tHE_LinkAcctTransItem2x (acKey, anNo, acLnkKey, anLnkNo, acType, anUserIns, anUserChg) values (@cpKljuc, @npPoz, @cKljuc, @nPoz, 'EZ', '~U~', '~U~') set @nPoz = @nPoz + 1 fetch next from crKnj into @cpKljuc, @npPoz, @npZnesek, @cpTip, @cpKljucStr, @npPozStr, @cKontoIz, @cKontoNa, @cKontoPreh end close crKnj deallocate crKnj insert into ##Kljuc (Kljuc) values (@cKljuc) update tHE_AcctTrans set anDebit = (select Sum(anDebit) from tHE_AcctTransItem where acKey = @cKljuc), anCredit = (select Sum(anCredit) from tHE_AcctTransItem where acKey = @cKljuc) where acKey = @cKljuc commit transaction end S000011<GI~R~PoisciDokumentTEAENF ,ZB_yB windows-1250F9~R~PoisciDokument ~S~select top 1 Kljuc from ##Kljuc~S~ S000011AGXTEAENF''L#B_yB windows-125065FS000011KGI~R~ReQueryTable tbPozTEAENFZB_yB windows-1250F~R~ReQueryTable tbPoz S000011PGNTEAENFZB_yB windows-1250FS000011ZGINapaka v prim.val.TEAENFZB_yB windows-1250F<~2~Datumski vnosi morajo biti znotraj ene primarne valute! S000011dGNTEAENFTB_yB windows-1250FacKeyanNoanSeqNoacHField2acHType anHLengthanHDecacPField2acPTypeanPLegthanPDec acPFormat acPSeparator anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acKeyanNoanSeqNo acFieldName2 anFieldSize acFieldTitleacFieldReadOnly acEditType acFieldConst anUserChg anUserIns adTimeIns adTimeChg acFieldFormatacFieldDefault acKeyanNo acDataEventacDataReturnValue acKeyAndNo anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acKey acWhereKeyanNo acFieldName acParamVar acFieldType acFieldREQacFieldCaption2 acDefaultExpacDefaultValue acLookUpSQL acOperator acVarHint2 acAddApostrof anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acPrtCrit ACKEY ANVERSIONANNOACSQLEXPACNOTE ADTIMECHG ANUSERCHG ADTIMEINS ANUSERINSACREPORTACLANGIDACLOCALIZATION2 ACFORMNAMEdACNAMEdACDEFAULTPRINTER ACPREVIEWANMAXPRSTLEVELACSUBSTITUTESIGNACPRINTIFEMPTY ACPRINTTOTEXT ANNOOFCOPY ACORDERBY ACREGUSERCODEACACTIVE ACKEYSHORTCUT2 ANUSERINS ADTIMEINS ANUSERCHG ADTIMECHG ACTEXT1ACTEXT2ACTEXT3ACNOTE ACREPORTDATAacKey acUnitName acObjectName acTranslationacLocalisation