EDU0001 - Nested Subroutines EDU0002 - Overloaded routines EDU0003 - MyUnit test (initialization, finalization) EDU0004 - Case statement EDU0005 - For statement EDU0006 - If statement EDU0007 - Repeat until demo EDU0008 - While demo EDU0009 - Exception test EDU0010 - Open array parameters EDU0011 - Sets EDU0012 - Enumerated types EDU0013 - Record demo EDU0014 - Array demo EDU0015 - Stored procedure test EDU0016 - Diferent form types... DEMO001 - Selecting type for user defined fields DEMO002 - Simple CSV import (dokumentirat, dodat datoteko...) DEMO003 - Working with TArSearchForm DEMO004 - Attachments to DPA DEMO005 - Cell dbl click test DEMO006 - Copy data to Excel via OleObject DEMO007 - Copy data to Word via OleObject DEMO008 - Working with FTP DEMO009 - Task dialog demo DEMO010 - Web browser test DEMO011 - Runtime integration demo - add on before post event... DEMO012 - Simple DLL DEMO013 - Add node to tree DEMO014 - Find SQLexp inside reports