GpStructuredStorage file    !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~sqli.vtd sqliForm.vtd<sqliFormName.vtd. sqliStep.vtd sqliStepFile.vtd 8sqliStepStr.vtd 6sqliStepStrEvent.vtd sqliVar.vtd sqliVer.vtdsqliReports.vtdacKeyacNamed acIsDebugacType acVarInINI acAutoStart acAutoClose acEndMessageacLocalization2acFormNameAuthoracActive anVersion acLogType acInstCoded anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acNoteacCompiledScriptEXERC11 Exercise 11FAFFFTRT0J[JnBg~B acKey acFormName2 acDocType acObjectName2acType acKeyShortCut2acTabSheetName2 anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acFormTypeEXERC11 PrometIzdDob<>D1 acFormName2acName2acKeyanNoacViewacSetOfacDescracReportacFileCreateTableanFileDelimiter acFileNameacFileTableName acFileDest acFileType acFileTypeXML acShowIfEmptyacTitleButtons anTitleLinesanBeginFromRecord anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acCharSet2 acStyleSheet acUnitName2 acNewThreadacDFMacPAS acSQLExport2acSQLExpacNoteEXERC11GPFAENFGB windows-1250 AresProjectF6Program AresProject; uses sysutils, classes, forms, dialogs, dlComponents, controls, FForm1; //we should ad FForm1 as UnitName of our form begin //here we create from. Form should be createed with ownerForm as Owner //OwnerForm is global variable with TForm1.create(OwnerForm) do begin btn.parent := TWinControl(OwnerForm.FindComponent('pBottom')); //here we move button to panel pBottom := 69; //set top position of button btn.left := 680; //set left position of button end; end. EXERC11GFFAENFB windows-1250FForm1Fobject Form1: TForm Tag = 99 Left = 400 Top = 254 BorderStyle = bsNone Caption = 'This is new caption' ClientHeight = 235 ClientWidth = 440 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object btn: TdlcxButton Left = 8 Top = 5 Width = 97 Height = 21 Cancel = False Caption = 'Do something' ComponentSize = csSmall Templatable = False Default = False ModalResult = 0 NumGlyphs = 96 TabOrder = 0 ImmediatePopUp = False end object _evsaver: TEventCom events = 'btn.OnClick=btnClick'#13#10 end end unit FForm1; interface uses Forms, Controls, StdCtrls, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, dlcomponents, Dialogs, cxGrid; type TForm1 = class(TarForm) btn: TdlcxButton; procedure btnClick(Sender: TObject); private public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation constructor TForm1.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); ares.AssignObjectsToForm('FForm1',Self); btn := FindComponent('btn'); btn.OnClick := btnClick; end; procedure TForm1.btnClick(Sender: TObject); begin //here we set some variable ares.variables.AsString('myVariable') := 'VarValue'; ares.ExecuteUnit('2'); end; end. #We shuold set border style := none.EXERC11GMFAENF B windows-12502FD~2~ This is just example to show some variable value: #myVariable# acKeyanNoanSeqNoacHField2acHType anHLengthanHDecacPField2acPTypeanPLegthanPDec acPFormat acPSeparator anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acKeyanNoanSeqNo acFieldName2 anFieldSize acFieldTitleacFieldReadOnly acEditType acFieldConst anUserChg anUserIns adTimeIns adTimeChg acFieldFormatacFieldDefault acKeyanNo acDataEventacDataReturnValue acKeyAndNo anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acKey acWhereKeyanNo acFieldName acParamVar acFieldType acFieldREQacFieldCaption2 acDefaultExpacDefaultValue acLookUpSQL acOperator acVarHint2 acAddApostrof anUserChg anUserIns adTimeChg adTimeIns acPrtCrit ACKEY ANVERSIONANNOACSQLEXPACNOTE ADTIMECHG ANUSERCHG ADTIMEINS ANUSERINSACREPORTACLANGIDACLOCALIZATION2 ACFORMNAMEdACNAMEdACDEFAULTPRINTER ACPREVIEWANMAXPRSTLEVELACSUBSTITUTESIGNACPRINTIFEMPTY ACPRINTTOTEXT ANNOOFCOPY ACORDERBY ACREGUSERCODEACACTIVE ACKEYSHORTCUT2 ANUSERINS ADTIMEINS ANUSERCHG ADTIMECHG ACTEXT1ACTEXT2ACTEXT3ACNOTE ACREPORTDATA